The research and production association “Generations futures” conducted an independent study, during which a list of fruits and vegetables with the highest concentration of pesticides was published. In grapes, tangerines and other products that fall on the shelves of retail outlets, particles of these substances were detected.
How was the study conducted?
The association decided to research 33 non-organic vegetables and 19 fresh fruits. The results impressed NGO staff as pesticide residues were found in 70 percent of fruits and just over 40 percent of vegetables. The most polluted vegetable was celery, as it contained more than 80% of chemicals.
Other most polluted vegetable crops:
- chicory (more than 70% bactericides);
- greens, lettuce leaves (more than 74% of chemical compounds);
- asparagus (found 3% residual traces of pesticides);
- corn (up to 2% biological and chemical substances).
Experts found 80 to 90% of pesticides in grapes, grapefruits, cherries, strawberries, nectarines and tangerines. The smallest amount of substances was found in kiwi fruits, avocados and plums. Researchers found not very good indicators in cherry plum – about 35%. These values are several times higher than the maximum allowable standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Employees of Generations futures buy fresh products from ordinary retail outlets, which they then carefully analyze. The organization annually holds such an event in France, and its results are recorded in a report.
The danger of pesticides to human health
Chemical compounds are absorbed into vegetables, fruits and herbs during special processing. Consumers are warned on the official Generations Futures website that germicides are toxic and pose a huge threat to the health of ordinary consumers. Products containing traces of chemicals for pest control negatively affect people’s well-being, and can also provoke the development of diseases and pathologies:
- benign or malignant oncology;
- mental disorders;
- reproductive disorders in men and women;
- diarrhea, constipation, vomiting.
The association warns people that one purchased product may contain from 1 to 5 bactericides. This was revealed in a study that was conducted 2 years ago. “Generation Future” found a certain pattern: when mixing pesticides, there is an increase in toxicity by 2-3 times.
As a preventive measure, the World Health Organization advises shoppers to wash food thoroughly with warm water to reduce the amount of chemicals in fruits and vegetables.