Scientists have proven that light exercise, intermittent fasting and rational nutrition will save each person from severe old age. With the help of short physical exertion and therapeutic fasting, you can reduce the likelihood of developing vascular and heart diseases. Also, if you follow a healthy lifestyle, insulin deficiency is unlikely. American researchers conducted several experiments on mice, they shared their results with the media.
Achievements by National Institutes of Health (NIH) scientists
A couple of manipulations on rodents were tested: they were divided into 4 groups. The first group could eat food 24 hours a day. The second group of rodents had to run for 45 minutes a day, they also had free access to food. The third group could eat only every other day. The last group had to combine physical activity with intermittent fasting. The experiment was carried out for 4 months.
Exercise (running) had a positive effect on the physical health of rodents. The most effective was intermittent fasting and little physical activity. In four months, the animals developed endurance and began to maintain vitality.
Scientists have drawn an analogy with people. A new way to support immunity and physical health will reduce the risk of premature death. If you do exercises and occasionally adhere to therapeutic fasting, people can protect themselves from severe old age.
Benefits of therapeutic fasting
Nutritionists are sure that serious diseases appear due to toxins and toxins. You can get rid of harmful substances in the body with the help of therapeutic fasting. During abstinence from food, the reserve forces of the body are mobilized, as a result of which the functioning of internal organs and systems improves, the amount of glucose in the blood decreases, and cholesterol levels decrease.
The therapeutic effect is achieved through the use of ketone bodies and fats by the body. When they are split, the production of adrenal hormones increases (in medicine they are called corticosteroids). They have an anti-inflammatory effect, so they help in the treatment of many diseases.
A starving organism must maintain its vital activity, so it begins to use up reserves. First, tumors, edema, adhesions, defective cells begin to collapse. Next, the removal of poisons, toxins and toxins begins. In this case, a person rapidly loses body weight.
Cons of abstaining from food
When losing weight, fasting is contraindicated, as metabolism slows down. If a person stops starving, he quickly gains former kilograms. Scientists have conducted many studies to find out all the advantages and disadvantages of this method of cleaning the body.
Harm of therapeutic fasting:
- with prolonged abstinence from food, the breakdown of protein reserves begins (muscles weaken, wrinkles form, the skin becomes flabby, loses its elasticity);
- the immune system decreases (the body cannot fight viruses, infections and bacteria);
- the amount of microelements and vitamins decreases (as a result, vitality decreases, a person has impotence, hair may fall out);
- the risk of anemia (when the hemoglobin level drops, the number of red blood cells responsible for transporting oxygen to the cells decreases);
- concentration of attention decreases, malaise and weakness appear.
Contraindications include the following diseases: tuberculosis, arrhythmia and heart failure, lack of insulin, chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. It also includes muscle atrophy and kidney disease. Any kind of abstinence from food should be carried out after the diagnosis of the body and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Before fasting in order to improve and prevent diseases, you should consult a doctor.
Physical exercise after 30 years
Until the age of 30, the body is elastic, toned and elastic, but in order for it to remain so, regular physical exercises should be done. At this age, the elasticity of the muscles decreases, as a result of which it becomes harder to hide figure flaws.
The most suitable workouts are: aerobics, yoga and Pilates, fitball and squats. These exercises will help tendons and ligaments to become more elastic, a person develops endurance. Running is recommended.
Upon reaching the age of thirty, you should not give preference to jumping, step (strong load on the bone apparatus), strength exercises on the muscles of the back (it is worth taking care of the spine).
Physical activity after 40 years
Upon reaching the age of forty, there is a decrease in the production of female and male hormones, resulting in extra pounds. In addition to hormonal changes in the body, fatigue, frequent headaches and insomnia are often noted.
From the age of 40, you need to do fitness, swimming, dancing, yoga, Pilates, aerobics. A feature of training will be the combination of cardio loads and strength exercises. Classes will help normalize breathing and strengthen muscles. Doctors recommend cycling, because it trains the blood vessels and the heart, it is the prevention of varicose veins.
At this age, you should not practice martial arts, jump and do exercises in jerks. Prolonged physical activity is also not recommended. Drinking is mandatory. You must drink at least 1,5 liters of water per day. During an hour-long workout, you also need to take liquid (at least 2 glasses).
Exercise after 50
In this age period, it is worth paying attention to physical activity and a healthy diet. You need to eat in small portions at least 4 times a day. When choosing exercises, it is worth considering the state of the musculoskeletal system, heart and blood vessels. Training with an instructor is recommended.
Optimal activities after 50 years are: swimming and water aerobics, walking and Nordic walking, yoga and stretching. Between complex intensive workouts you need to take a break (at least 2-3 days). Step, endurance exercises, jumping are prohibited. Favorably affect the body running on the street in the warm season. You should not do fitness with thrombophlebitis, oncology and progressive myopia.