Named 10 eating habits that ruin women’s health

This is not at all about the love of fast food or unbalanced nutrition. Feelings of guilt, choosing the “right” foods, and a low-carb diet can all be damaging to your well-being, and in a very serious way.

Nutritionists have compiled a whole set of rules for how a woman should eat. These rules are very simple, but each of us does not, no, and even breaks them. And the consequences can be the most sad: reproductive function suffers, bone density decreases, and this is already an increased likelihood of osteoporosis with age. Check to see if you have any bad eating habits.

1. Eat while standing

Intercept something on the go, while preparing dinner for children or during a break between work – which of us is without sin. But we often don’t realize how important it is not only what we eat, but also the posture in which we do it.

“When you eat fast, on the go, regardless of what is in your hands or on your plate, your body doesn’t have time to respond to your meal,” says nutritionist and nutritionist Lauren Harris-Pincus, MD. – You need to eat at the table, put a plate in front of you and take a fork or spoon – and nothing else. We must be aware of what we are eating. “

2. Finish up for the child

Throwing away good food is where it goes. But children so often do not eat everything clean. The second time the baby will definitely not eat it. And what is there to do? Eat for the baby. And this is a very bad habit – it is because of it that many mothers cannot lose weight after childbirth for years.

“Yes, it’s unpleasant to throw away food. But finishing up is also not an option. By doing so, you are doing yourself a disservice, harming your own health, ”says Lauren Harris-Pincus.

3. Eat off schedule

We missed breakfast, lunch also passed by somehow, two occasional snacks – on the run, of course, and then … Then dinner. No not like this. Dinner with a capital letter. The dietitian calls this diet a recipe for disaster.

“You end up eating a lot, but you don’t get quality food. Empty calories with no benefit. Get into the habit of preparing healthy snacks in advance: carrot or cucumber straws, yogurt, fruit, ”says the doctor.

4. There is what “you can”, and not what you want

Today you can have one cucumber, one bell pepper, chicken breast and some yogurt. And you want something completely different. And it is unlikely that these are buns and sweets: the body very rarely signals that it actually needs junk food. We have long forgotten how to listen to ourselves: we eat what the coach ordered or advised on the Internet, and not what we want.

“We suppress our true desires. They take revenge on us for this – we eat more than we really need. Listen to your body, ask yourself, is this really what you want, and are you hungry at all, “Lauren advises.

5. Divide products into good and bad

The bad ones are with cholesterol, fats and sugar. The good ones are the celery stalk and the steamed chicken breast. In fact, there are no bad products, you can eat everything – the only question is the quantity.

“When you eat something ‘forbidden’, there is a feeling of guilt – familiar? This leads to an unhealthy relationship with food. Incorporate your favorite treats into your diet and eat with pleasure, ”explains the expert.  

6. Eat meal replacements

It is now very fashionable to replace lunch or dinner, or even all at once, with nutritious cocktails or bars. All of these diets based on protein powder are also bad news. It is unlikely that such substitutes really contain all the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients a person needs to maintain a normal metabolism. And you will definitely not see the feeling of satisfaction from such “food”.

7. Give up protein for breakfast

“It is very important for women to maintain the proper level of muscle mass. By the age of 30, it begins to decline naturally. And if the body is constantly lacking protein, then this process will go even faster, ”says Kelly Jones, nutritionist, sports nutrition expert.

Therefore, portions of protein should be ingested regularly, including for breakfast. Cheese, milk, yogurt, nuts, and seeds in your morning porridge will do just fine to provide your muscles with protein before lunch.

8. Eat at night

The body very quickly gets used to what you eat not in the morning, but at night. The regime becomes habitual and affects literally everything: the quality of sleep, the level of stress, well-being, the number on the scales. And if you make your way to the refrigerator under cover of night, then also on the condition of the teeth. It’s better to eat less at night: sleep will get better, the stress hormone level will go down, and you will notice changes both in appearance and in the amount of energy during the day.

9. Consistently follow a low-carb diet

Especially if you have not consulted with your doctor about which diet will be optimal for you. A trendy keto, low-carb, or extremely low-calorie diet in the long term can lead to hormonal, cycle, sterility, and bone loss. But it will help to lose weight. So the main thing is to restructure your diet in time.

10. Snack instead of food

Grabbing a handful of nuts instead of sitting down and having a normal lunch is a terrible habit.

“You’ll never be full enough to stop thinking about food,” warns Kelly Jones. – Your body will be constantly under stress trying to maintain normal blood sugar levels. So eat normal food, respect your body. “

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