Naked on the beach? Contact with sand can lead to health problems

Swimwear on the beach serves not only to cover intimate places from unwanted eyesight of other sunbathers, but also to protect them from contact with external factors. One of them is sand, which “likes” to penetrate where the skin is very sensitive. When this happens, we can cause health problems. What? This is what Anna Bachleda-Curuś, specialist in dermatology and aesthetic medicine doctor from SCM Estetic, talks about.

  1. Contact of bare skin with sand can cause micro-injuries such as abrasions
  2. Damage to the epidermis increases the risk of microbes entering the body that cause inflammation
  3. When sand “penetrates” into intimate places, we can get sick, among others. for candidiasis or cystitis
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Sand can irritate delicate skin

The first problem that lovers of nude tanning may have to face are the mechanical injuries that arise after the contact of the naked body with sand.

Like bare skin, it means an increased likelihood of abrasions, micro-injuries and epidermis damage, which in turn promotes the penetration of microorganisms and causes inflammation.. Sand is an active habitat of microbes, so its penetration into the delicate spheres of our body may be associated not only with obvious physical discomfort, but also with various types of irritation of intimate areas – explains the drug. Anna Bachleda-Curuś.

The rest of the text below the video.

Therefore, when such contact occurs, you should immediately remove sand from particularly sensitive areas. The dermatologist recommends rinsing the area as soon as possible with clean, warm water, then dry it thoroughly and wear dry underwear.

Intimate infections are the scourge of sunbathing

However, abrasions and mechanical injuries are not everything. An equally large and far-reaching effect of naked sunbathing is inflammation caused by contact with microorganisms in the sand.

– Ailments of intimate places with which we can end the holiday, including: itching, burning, redness, swelling, discharge with a characteristic smell and appearance, pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal mycosis (candidiasis), bacterial vaginosis, cystitis – the expert lists, adding that staying in wet or damp clothes and bathing suits and swimming in polluted waters can also have a similar effect.

– Therefore firmly I advise against lying and sitting directly on the sand, but also on wet towels and rented beach chairs. In addition, after each bath in the sea or lake, we should rinse the body and costume, and then put on dry clothes, especially underwear – advises the dermatologist.

Tanning topless is risky

It is also worth remembering that topless sunbathing is associated with an increased risk of ailments and diseases resulting from the adverse effects of UV rays. The most dangerous are skin cancers, including melanoma. Long-term exposure to the sun’s rays also causes faster skin aging, the formation of pigmented spots and discoloration, it can also lead to sunburn, dehydration of the body or even heat stroke.

That is why it is very important when going to the beach to take care of adequate sun protection: a cream with a high UV filter and cover the most sensitive parts of the body. In the case of women who decide to sunbathe naked, it is a good idea to stick (e.g. with a plaster) the nipples.

You can find the cream with a high UV filter in the Medonet Market version for adults and children.

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