Nails break and exfoliate: what to do

Nails break and exfoliate: what to do

If the nails become brittle, often break and exfoliate, you can hide the problem under a layer of bright varnish. But it is better to find out the cause and eliminate it. will tell you how to do it.

  • The basis of the nail plate is keratin – a protein that is also present in the skin, which also contributes to the formation of hair. This protein contains cysteine, an amino acid, the amount of which affects the hardness of nails.

  • There are thin layers of fat and water between the keratin layers. They give the nails elasticity and shine. If exposed to frequent contact with water, nails become soft and thicken.

  • The nail also contains trace elements such as calcium, chromium, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Their presence makes the nails healthy.

Nail problems can arise from several factors, such as exposure to chemicals (washing powders and detergents). Brittleness and deformation occur as a result of metabolic disorders, hypovitaminosis, hormonal disorders, as well as chronic alcohol and nicotine intoxication.

Complete animal protein is found in large quantities in fish.

Lack of protein

Pay attention to how often complete animal protein is found in your diet? This is found in red meat, chicken, turkey, eggs. But the best source is oily fish found in cold seas. Salmon, salmon, mackerel (mackerel) and others. The animal protein must enter the body in an amount of at least 1-1,5 g per kilogram of weight.

Lack of magnesium and calcium

Magnesium Is an energetically important component. With its deficiency, the processes of cell growth suffer. The required daily magnesium requirement of 300-400 mg is difficult to obtain from a modern diet. For example, for this you need to eat about 2 kg of meat or drink about 3 liters of milk. In conditions of magnesium deficiency, additional magnesium supplementation should be used.

Calcium with magnesium are physiological partners that can be rationally used together in a 2: 1 ratio. All these funds can be easily found in pharmacies. But folk methods can also help the beauty of nails.

Important: for the absorption of calcium and magnesium, it is imperative to take them together with vitamin D.

We get calcium

Rinse and dry the eggshells. Grind into large pieces and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. After that, grind the shell into powder and pour into a tightly closing jar. Store in a cool and dark place. Take orally for 2 weeks, 1 tsp.

We eat butter

It is very important to nourish your nails with oil. For these purposes, use any vegetable oil, for example, olive oil, it contains many vitamins, it has a wonderful property of a conductor for the substances useful to the nail that it contains. Apply olive oil to your hands and nails 1-2 times a week. To enhance the effect, you can wear cotton gloves and leave them overnight.

Cosmetic products will help you get rid of the delamination of nails faster: oil, lemon, sea salt and strengthening nail polishes.

Editorial advice

Elena Zaleskaya, managing editor:

“If my nails start to flake, I just eat more calcium foods and put iodine on the nail plates at night.”

Sorokovikova Alexandra, editor of the sections “Sex” and “Family”:

“If there are problems with the nails, I use simple vitamins Aevit: I crush the capsule and rub the oil into the nail plate. I also apply cosmetic wax. If you do the procedures regularly – in the morning and in the evening, after 3 days you can see the effect. “

Monakhova Vera, editor of the sections “Home” and “Food”:

“Sea water strengthens nails perfectly. If the sea is far away, I buy ordinary sea salt without additives at the pharmacy and make baths at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. salt in a glass of warm water. Sometimes I add essential oil (drip on a piece of salt and dissolve in water). Take a bath for 20 minutes. “

Bulkina Nadezhda, editor of the news section:

“I prefer to solve problems with nails from the inside: I drink a course of vitamins with calcium. And I always put a strengthening varnish on my nails. “

Udonova Natalia, editor of the sections “Beauty” and “Health”:

“Nails grow at a rate of no more than 1 mm per week, it takes about six months for their complete renewal. If there is a stratification, a complex of vitamins with magnesium and calcium will help to quickly cope with the problem. As well as cosmetic methods. For example, lemon – perfectly strengthens nails. Cut it in half, stick your nails into the flesh and hold for 20 minutes. Lemon also has a whitening effect. So this is a great way to get rid of yellow nails. “

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