*Overview of the best according to the editors of Healthy Food Near Me. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.
The concept of shape (that is, the width, proportions and combination of these characteristics) of human nails can be divided into three categories:
The natural shape of the overgrown end of the nail, that is, that part of the horny tissue that can be trimmed or corrected using special tools.
The natural shape of the nail itself, the area that covers the nail bed. It can be determined by cutting the regrown edge as short as possible.
The shape of the nails, their overgrown tips after correction, performed in the salon or at home using manicure tools.
From what form – natural or artificial – is inherent in nails, you can build on when determining the nature of a person.
Features of the shape of the nail plate
The shape of the nail plate of each finger is laid at the genetic level, it cannot be changed, but it can be optically corrected in accordance with your taste. To do this, experts use resistant polymer coatings such as shellac, acrylic, used to protect nails and build.
The main forms of the nail plates in humans:
Oval or slightly elongated almond-shaped – the most common option for women and men with thin, graceful, aristocratic fingers.
Square or round – this shape of the nail plates is inherent in people with short and / or thick fingers.
Triangular (both a standard triangle and an inverted one), xiphoid shape is an option that is rare and, as a rule, has nothing to do with the length, thickness of the fingers.
It is also important to note that the nail plates can be long, shortened, flat and convex, wide and narrowed. As a rule, such features are tied to the length and grace of the fingers.
Another interesting fact is that the shape and length of the nails on individual fingers of one hand may differ, but is duplicated on the fingers of the second hand, for example:
Graceful elongated, regular-shaped nails on the little finger, ring, index and thumb. And at the same time, the middle finger is knocked out of the general row, having a wider, square or trapezoidal or even irregular shape.
The nails on the thumbs of both hands have a larger area compared to the rest, they are not only wider, but also much longer.
The nail plates on the little fingers and ring fingers may look more refined, they have almost ideal proportions, as a rule, do not need correction.
The congenital shape of the nail plates can say almost nothing about the character of a woman. One can make assumptions about the origin of man – long, graceful nails indicate that the ancestors were related to the intelligentsia, aristocracy, and the scientific world. And short and wide ones indicate that parents and grandparents belonged to the working class, earned a living with the help of their hands. But the shape of the nail plates does not make it possible to draw specific conclusions about the nature of a particular person.
Manicure and its connection with the temper of a woman
Modern achievements in the field of manicure, the production of materials for nail shape correction and extension allow girls to wear absolutely any nails, regardless of what nature and genetics endowed them with. It is by the manicure that a woman prefers to perform that one can determine her character. And in this matter, four aspects are important – the length, shape, color of the nails and the general condition of the manicure. But whether they are extended or simply corrected and covered with decorative varnish does not matter, the main thing is to look at the result that satisfies the owner of the nails herself.
The length of the nails and the character of the girl
We note right away that the length of the nails, or rather their free edge, does not make sense to evaluate if the girl cannot grow them for reasons beyond her control. For example, guitarists and other musicians, PC operators, athletes and doctors simply cannot afford to wear long nails, even if they really want to, as this interferes with their professional activities or hobbies. Also, women with similar professions rarely paint their legs, as the varnish quickly “peels off”, the decorative coating has to be constantly updated, which is not always convenient.
If a girl does not have objective reasons for wearing short nails, but she still cuts them almost “under the root”, this may indicate such traits of her character:
Indifference to attention from men.
Strong character, inflexibility.
A calm, tolerant attitude towards oneself and towards strangers, the absence of high demands and claims to the surrounding society.
Calm and not aggressive disposition.
Lack of desire to stand out, to draw attention to one’s own person.
If a girl has nails of medium length, it is difficult to judge the features of her character. On the one hand, such manicures are the generally accepted standard and benchmark that most women follow. On the other hand, nails of medium length and neutral color can indicate sophistication, elegance, the desire to comply with standards, not to shock and at the same time look beautiful, attract members of the opposite sex.
About girls who wear long and very long nails, the following can definitely be said:
These are refined, playful, demanding and capricious, incredulous, spoiled, unpredictable, suspicious people.
They are not used to doing daily housework, shifting it to other people.
Their opinion of themselves is often inflated, and they look down on others.
They strive to get all the joys of life without making much effort, so to speak, “leaving on the outside.”
They love to attract attention and shock.
They like to move in “the right circles”, surround themselves with glamor and luxury.
It is important to pay attention to how often a woman wears long nails – if the extension is done for some kind of celebration, this does not mean anything at all. If a length of 1,5-2,5 cm or more is preferred for every day, this indicates that the lady leads the life of a glamorous diva, her character can tolerate a limited circle of people – parents, closest friends and acquaintances. As well as men of interest to the girl – with them she behaves more or less restrained. And if short nails are suddenly found on the hands of a glamorous lady, this may indicate that she simply did not get another appointment with her manicurist and has not yet had time to do another extension. So conclusions about the character of a person in terms of the length and shape of his nails can only be made on the basis of observations of his main preferences and trends in this area.
The shape of nails and the nature of a woman
There are no difficulties with the shape of the protruding edge of the nails and its significance in determining the nature of a person. It doesn’t matter if the manicure was done on her “native” nails or the girl performed a correction, extension – the appearance and contours of the nails will tell you a lot about the disposition, preferences, and character of a person. The softer the outlines of the nails, the softer and calmer the girl’s disposition. And people who tend to wear pointed nails often turn out to be aggressive, prone to conflict.
In more detail about the shape of nails and character traits:
free edge the nail plate has square or rectangular contours. The owners of such marigolds are freedom-loving, practical and purposeful individuals. They are serious and independent, smart and distinguished by common sense, a penchant for thoughtful decisions and a negative attitude to any risk. Square / rectangular nails of medium length indicate that a woman does not like to stand out, she wants to be like everyone else, everyone likes her. Square / rectangular and at the same time long nails are often worn by female leaders with an imperious and firm character who like to command, manage everything, keep everything in their hands, suppress and stop any disobedience.
Rounded the edging of the nails speaks of a soft character, that the girl needs care and wants to give love and care to others. She can be naive and shy like a child. Such a person is not inclined to intervene in conflicts, defend his rights, take part in other people’s affairs and problems. A woman with round small nails is usually cheerful and tends to see positive aspects in any ongoing events.
Oval, elliptical nails are preferred by feminine and vulnerable, touchy, romantic and economic natures. Such women achieve everything with affection and care, a gentle approach to people. They are devoted to family, parents, girlfriends and do not have big ambitions. But if the oval nails are long, this indicates that the woman also has passion, a slight penchant for adventurism.
nails with pointed edges any bend is usually worn by windy, capricious, passionate and adamant persons who amaze those around them with private mood swings. They are very bitchy and can inflate the conflict from any little thing.
Unusual shape nail plates indicates that you have an eccentric person who wants to be special, not like those around him, a nonconformist. Such a girl is very active, windy, she likes to be in public, likes to shock, attract increased attention to herself and evoke emotions. The nature of such people is light, cheerful, they tend to be interested in everything around and take part in a variety of activities. They have many friends from different walks of life and you definitely won’t get bored with them.
What character traits of a woman is indicated by the condition of her nails
You can determine the character traits of a manicure if you observe how often and in what form nail care is performed. For example, if a woman simply cuts her nail plates, they are always short and look natural, this indicates that she is not inclined to focus on her appearance. Or that she is a fan of simplicity and naturalness in the image. If a girl has dirt under her nails, the nails and cuticles themselves look untidy, then the person is indifferent to himself, his appearance, to the people around him and to life in general. Such a girl does not consider herself attractive and worthy of attention, care, love, she is prone to depression, melancholy.
Does the girl carefully care for her nails once every 1-7 days, always have the same length, cover her nails with varnish or carry out other cosmetic procedures and follow the trends in this area? This is a good sign, as it indicates that she carefully monitors her appearance, does not allow negligence and sloppiness, attentive to detail. She also knows her worth, wants to be liked by others, wants to be respected. This is a serious and responsible person who methodically goes to her goal and is inclined to achieve what she wants.
If there is a hint of a manicure, but the nail plates still look unkempt, this indicates the girl’s disorganization and windiness. For example, in such persons, varnish is often peeled off, nails have different lengths, traces of a polymer coating applied 3-4 weeks ago and which have long lost their aesthetic appearance are visible. Such girls want to look beautiful, try to take care of themselves, but they do not have either the time, or money, or taste to do nails regularly.
Attention! This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.