Nail fungus – symptoms, treatment, home remedies. Is laser mycosis treatment effective?

Treatment of onychomycosis is a difficult and long-lasting process, because the pathogens that cause it penetrate deep inside the nail plate. To remove them, you also need to have a very deep healing effect. Preferably in a targeted manner, So what are the effective methods to get rid of this problem? Dr. Marek Wasiluk explains.

  1. Onychomycosis is a relatively common problem. The infection occurs, inter alia, in public places
  2. The fingernail of a person suffering from athlete’s foot turns gray or dull. In extreme cases, it may start to soften
  3. Home treatments for onychomycosis are not effective. It is necessary to contact a doctor
  4. Check your health. Just answer these questions
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.
Dr. Marek Wasiluk

Aesthetic medicine specialist, expert in the field of laser therapy, precursor and seeker of new medical solutions. Owner of the Triclinium Modern Medicine Center in Warsaw. Author of the expert blog and the book “Aesthetic medicine without secrets”.

Nail fungus most often appears in the summer, when we visit various types of swimming pools, baths and barefoot beaches. Nail fungus is favored by diabetes and immune disorders. Its symptoms can be easily overlooked. The diseased nail is dull, becomes gray, slightly whitish or yellow.

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It may also have shape disturbances, unevenness, and in extreme cases it may start to soften. The best way to find out if you are actually suffering from mycosis is to take a sample for examination.

Unfortunately, onychomycosis is a difficult condition that is difficult to cure. According to Dr. Marek Wasiluk from the Triclinium Center of Modern Medicine in Warsaw, mushrooms, although they are underdeveloped organisms, are very resistant to drugs.

– Such pathogens can penetrate into the center of the nails, which are very highly keratinized, i.e. their plate is hard, durable and impermeable to other factors, including drugs, unfortunately. Our task is to penetrate the fungi and destroy them – explains the expert.

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Traditional treatment involves the use of systemic or topical antifungal drugs.

– The main disadvantage of the first solution, i.e. taking drugs orally, is that the nail is a dead part of our body. When taking a drug by mouth, we do it with the intention that it will reach the bloodstream and work in the place we want. The bloodstream, however, only reaches living structures, so it cannot reach the nail. It only goes to the place where the nail keratinizes. Oral treatment can therefore act on the nail matrix itself. If this is where the fungus is located, it may be possible to achieve the desired healing effect – explains Dr. Marek Wasiluk.

In the case of topical use of antifungal chemotherapeutic agents the problem is the already mentioned highly keratinized form of the nailwhich is very difficult to penetrate. Therefore, any antifungal ointments will not work – it is practically impossible to keep the ointment in such a place for a long time.

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The second commonly used means for topical application are various types of varnishes containing a drug. This type of solution is a bit more effective because the varnish stays on the nail much longer than the ointment. In practice, however, this type of treatment requires several months, and besides, the penetration of the varnish into the nail remains problematic.

You should also know that as the nail grows back, the fungus constantly renews itself. The chance that the use of varnish in such a case can help us mainly concerns people for whom the problem of mycosis is relatively new, they have not struggled with it for years.

You can try MYCOfast Onychomycosis Liquid, which stops the fungus from spreading. The files included in the set will help to gently tear off the infected surface, so that the liquid has better access to the nail infected with fungi.

Effective treatment of onychomycosis with a laser

Laser methods are an alternative to the onerous and ineffective methods of fighting onychomycosis described earlier.

– It is currently one of the best methods of dealing with this problem – says Dr. Marek Wasiluk. – A device properly selected for the problem, with a well-adjusted wavelength and penetration depth, can work by damaging the fungi thermally. The nail is irradiated with laser light and the fungi inside are burnt out. The downside of this solution is that it is not a very pleasant procedure, but at the same time it does not last too long. The upside is that the nail itself is not damaged in any way during the treatment – the laser only destroys the mycosis inside.

The effect of such a procedure does not appear immediately. We will notice it only when a new, fungus-free nail grows completely (i.e. after a period of about half a year). This method is much more effective than the aforementioned varnishes, ointments or oral agents, but it is necessary to perform several treatments (approx. 3-5) at approximately monthly intervals.

Nail fungus can also be associated with the occurrence of psoriasis, so for nail care it is worth reaching for the EPTA PSO Intensive Nail Conditioner with psoriasis, which you can buy at separately or in the Set with 30% urea for body and nail care with psoriasis EPTA PSO 30 .

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