😉 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! Gentlemen, in the article “Nail fungus: symptoms and treatment of the disease” about mycosis affecting the nail plate. If you “caught” this infection, then how to treat it and how to protect yourself – read here.
How to cure nail fungus
Anyone is at risk of contracting mycosis every day. This disease is transmitted through a fungus that affects the nails of the hands and feet. You can catch an infection everywhere, because contact with a particle of a diseased nail or skin is enough for infection. Mycosis symptoms do not appear immediately. Sometimes it is impossible to find out where the source of the infection is.
Prevention of mycosis
The fungus that infects the nail is extremely persistent. It withstands hot conditions and does not die at low temperatures. It is not susceptible to disinfectants. Infection with mycosis can occur in the pool, transport, on the beach.
This is what happens if nail fungus is not treated
In half of cases, it is transmitted through footwear and hygiene products. However, if you follow the precautions, then it is quite possible to escape from the disease. This requires:
- visit the bathhouse, pool or beach in closed shoes;
- do not wear wet shoes;
- do not lay porous mats in the bathroom;
- change socks or tights daily;
- after washing your feet, carefully remove the water between the toes;
- use personal hygiene products.
If relatives are sick with mycosis, the bathroom should be treated with chloramine, socks should be boiled in a soda solution for at least 10 minutes.
The onset of the disease is imperceptible. After a while, cracks appear on the nails, the plate thickens. In the process of cutting, the nail begins to crumble, the color of the nail acquires a yellow or brown tint.
A space forms under the nail where fungus is present and other harmful bacteria multiply. If you neglect drug treatment, over time, the disease will be able to cover all the nail areas of the legs and arms.
Mycosis Treatment
It is better to start the fight against mycosis with a consultation with a dermatologist. Only a specialist will be able to determine the stage of the disease and prescribe effective drugs for external or internal use. Among the ointments are popular: micoderil, clotrimazole, exoderil.
In cases where the fungus is running, and external treatment does not help, medicines in the form of tablets are recommended. For example, nizoral, flucostat, atifin. Treatment of mycosis can take a long time.
In Soviet times, Ph.D. Dorogov A.V. created a unique drug called ASD-3 fraction. This unique remedy based on meat and bone meal and frog tissue has an antiseptic and wound healing effect.
ASD-3 effectively fights nail fungus. It is enough to constantly, in your free time, process the infected areas. The fraction is sold in veterinary clinics and pharmacies.
Treatment with folk remedies gives a positive result. For example, propolis ointment should be applied to all nail plates. Wrap your feet in a cloth and leave overnight.
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