Nail art: how to depict a rose on your nails? Video tutorial
One of the most popular nail art subjects is a variety of flowers. You can draw them yourself. This requires multi-colored varnishes, acrylic paints and brushes of various thicknesses. Choose an uncomplicated but effective pattern – for example, stylized roses.
Nail art: how to draw a rose
Choosing varnishes, paints and brushes
For painting, special varnishes with a very thin brush are suitable. They are distinguished by their density and good pigmentation. It is convenient to paint stylized flowers with such varnishes that do not require a color transition.
Another option is acrylic paints. They have many advantages.
With the help of paints you can create the finest shade transitions
In addition, these products dry quickly, and if necessary, unsuccessful lines can be easily corrected with a damp cotton swab.
In addition to paints and varnishes, you will need brushes – thin round and flat with an oblique cut, as well as a plastic palette or a flat saucer. To secure and fix the pattern, you need a top with a glossy effect. For a perfect manicure, take care of a leveling base that gives your nails a firm and smooth finish.
How to draw roses on nails quickly and accurately
The simplest option is a stylized rose made in the style of the 60s. It is convenient to paint it with varnish. Choose the desired shade for the flower and base. Contrasting combinations look beautiful – for example, a dark red rose on a pale pink background.
Cover your nails with a leveling base. Then apply two coats of pink enamel and dry well. Dip the brush in the nail polish and place the longing in the center of the nail. Make two commas to the left and right of the dot. Put the same strokes at the top and bottom. Draw six more strokes in a circle. The result is a rounded pop-art rose. Cover the design with a shiny micro-sequined top for a more beautiful look.
You don’t have to adorn all your fingers. Draw roses on two or three nails – this option will be appropriate for everyday manicure
Try painting a rose with acrylics. Cover your nails with two coats of a background polish – for example, silvery white. Squeeze purple and white paint onto a plastic palette or saucer. With a flat, oblique brush, type in two colors at once. Place the brush with a slice on the nail where you plan to depict the rose. Make a curl and lift the brush sharply away from the surface of the nail. It turned out to be a lilac petal. Draw another one in parallel to it – this will be the core of the future rose.
To make the flower more lush, enlarge it by adding a couple more strokes on both sides.
You can give the rose a rounded or elongated shape. Then take a thin round brush, dip it in purple paint and paint subtle strokes on the petals. Supplement the rose with leaves. Drop dark and light green paints onto the palette. Use a clean flat brush to paint a couple of leaves using the petal technique. Place them next to the rose. With a thin brush, paint the veins on the leaves and draw the stem. Then cover your nail with a thick coat of glossy top.