Nadezhda Sysoeva is too thin interview 2015, Nadia clip watch online

In January, a participant in the Comedy Woman show on TNT released her first solo video for the song Feel. The video of Nadezhda Sysoeva was sharply criticized by Alena Vodonaeva, a former participant of “House-2”. The conflict, it would seem, is about to go out of the network into hand-to-hand combat, but the storm has died down. The editorial staff of Woman’s Day met with Nadezhda and found out how she manages to keep herself in shape, whether she will still sing and whether she is offended by Alena.

It happens that people consider it their duty to tell me 20-30 times: “Oh my God, how thin you are!” I’m already used to it and am laughing it off. When I’m in a bad mood, I can be rude. Each has its own framework for education and tact. I do not consider it necessary to give advice to anyone and talk about their weight, even if there are problems.

I am so often asked about the figure that it is time to give master classes. I will disappoint, there are no secrets. I am Siberian and I love normal food – dumplings, meatballs with mashed potatoes, borscht. I eat a lot and often. I just try not to sit still, I go in for sports all the time.

I would have grown fat, but not for the sake of proving something to someone, but, for example, for a role like Renee Zellweger for “Bridget Jones’s Diary”.

I am in good shape thanks to my parents who raised me in strict sports and creative conditions. Since the age of three I have been swimming, rock climbing, dancing, ballet. I did not have a free minute – from school to a circle, from a circle to ballet, to a music school, and so on from morning to evening for several years. My today’s figure is the base that I have been earning since childhood. Now I roller-skate, skate, do exercises, exercise on horizontal bars, go to dances, pump up at home with weights, and more recently I have become interested in yoga. I believe that a child should be taught to play sports from childhood, because in adulthood a person will be lazy, more excuses appear. And if you do this from an early age, then you can no longer live without movement.

I was a model in Krasnoyarsk, but I didn’t get to serious work in this profession. I moved to Moscow and decided that I would not do this. My modeling career came down to beauty contests. I really participated in all possible “Miss” that took place in Krasnoyarsk, because there were creative contests, and, by the way, I loved them and won. This work was more focused on the PR of my KVN team “Territory of the game”. When we noticed a model girl from KVN, it was much easier for the team to find sponsors, we got more fans. It was a hobby that I enjoyed.

Beauty alone is not enough, but if you also have brains, then everything will turn out the way you want.

I have not noticed that there have been more thin or fat people lately. I really like our generation. It strives for an athletic body. Horizontal bars were built everywhere, rentals were opened. People started running! I, however, have not yet joined, I am lazy. Today in society there is a kind of wave in the spirit of sports. It seems to me that this is great, and I believe that everyone without exception does not need to lose weight, even a large person can keep himself in shape – if he is fit, the weight is no longer important.

Yes, we are personally acquainted and meet often, we have many mutual friends and companies. We crossed paths on vacation – Alena also goes to our favorite surf camp in Sri Lanka. To be honest, I can only thank her for such attention to my video. On that day, the number of video views increased by 20 thousand. So Alenka helped me, thank her very much. I am not serious about this conflict and I think that there is no point in developing it further.

I’m not offended. Alena herself is a rather slender girl. What kind of envy can we talk about? We have nothing to share with her.

I’m planning! Everything is already in progress, preparing a new bomb. I have been making music since childhood, and now I finally have the opportunity to self-actualize.

They are very happy that they can see me on the screen every week. They notice whether I have gained weight or lost weight, what hairstyle I wear, and the like.

Why is that? One day before the shooting of Comedy Woman, Masha Kravchenko and I rehearsed a number of our group “Supermarket of Love”. And she drove her knee right in the forehead! The huge bruise was not long in coming. I had to make up it in every possible way, because I got a huge fingal, I turned into blue heroes from Avatar.

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