
Psychologist Nicolas Gueguin has compiled and explained hundreds of scientific studies on flirting and choosing a sexual partner.

The original title of this book is 100 Little Experiments in the Psychology of Seduction. Psychologist Nicolas Gueguin, professor at the University of South Brittany (France), collected, retold and explained one hundred scientific studies (both his own and those of others) on the topic of flirting, sexual attractiveness, partner choice. And although he does not give direct advice, experimentally confirmed data speak for themselves. Isn’t it too provocative to look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor and immediately establish tactile contact with him? How do you say «no» without being offended, and how do you show your interest without over-promising? Of course, this is not about the fact that all the secrets of love attraction have been unraveled and there is no more room for mystery. But still … before we feel emotional closeness with someone, discover common interests and want to live together all our lives, we have to get to know each other and start the first conversation! For such a case, Gegen’s little book will be most welcome.

Lomonosov, 192 p.

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