How to get rid of the bad habit of putting off important things for later? Allow yourself to rest! In any case, coach Neyla Fiore offers such a way to deal with procrastination.
The sound of the word “procrastination” already contains the story of Neil Fiore, a psychologist, stress management specialist, and consultant to many well-known corporations: painful, life-poisoning, and obviously pointless attempts to avoid what needs to be done right now. And their inevitable consequences: a sense of guilt and inadequacy, a life without achievements and pleasures, the sad fate of a workaholic… But our business is not as hopeless as it seems. One inspiring way to deal with procrastination is anti-scheduling. Neil Fiore’s idea is to plan not work first, but pleasure! By foreseeing a meeting with friends, going to the cinema or an evening with a book, we can spend our working time much more efficiently. Another technique is to divide the working hours into segments of 30 minutes: then we will not have time to be afraid of the enormity of the task that lies ahead of us, and quickly wait for rest or reward. It’s hard not to be charmed by an expert who, among other things, demands that we play sports or dance for at least an hour a day, and one day a week not touch any work at all. In a word, readers have a chance to be convinced: it is in our power to realize and destroy the mechanisms of procrastination in order to finally allow ourselves to work productively and rest with a light soul.
Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 228 p.