
The Russian thinker Nikolai Berdyaev was engaged in the philosophy of love throughout his life: despite the fact that there is no separate book on this topic in his writings, he turned to the “question of love” in many of his works and in personal correspondence.

The Russian thinker Nikolai Berdyaev was engaged in the philosophy of love throughout his life: despite the fact that there is no separate book on this topic in his writings, he addressed the “question of love” in many of his works and in personal correspondence, studied the works of philosophers Vladimir Solovyov and Vasily Rozanov who had a great influence on the formation of Berdyaev’s attitude to gender issues. Considering that there is “something dark and painful, unenlightened and often ugly” in Russian love, Nikolai Berdyaev sought in this feeling a moral meaning and a means of overcoming the fragmentation of the human personality. The book includes the thinker’s works on the philosophy of sex and love.

Azbuka-Klassika, 224 p.

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