MZ: a typical seasonal flu this year

The number of flu cases in Poland is typical of a typical seasonal flu, which is mild or moderate – the Ministry of Health announced on Tuesday after the pandemic committee meeting.

The meeting at the Ministry of Health was chaired by Deputy Minister of Health Adam Fronczak, it was also attended by Minister of Health Ewa Kopacz, Chief Sanitary Inspector Przemysław Biliński, head of the National Center for Influenza Lidia Brydak, national consultant for epidemiology prof. dr hab. Andrzej Zieliński and the national consultant for infectious diseases Andrzej Horban.

In the unanimous opinion of experts, the number of cases and suspected cases of influenza in Poland is typical for the period January – March. The available epidemiological data, both from Poland and other countries, indicate in most cases a mild or moderate course of the disease, typical for seasonal influenza, according to the press release following the meeting.

During the meeting, it was agreed that the current recommendations for doctors in dealing with cases of illness or suspicion of influenza will not change. The Ministry of Health also informs that there are no problems with the availability of antiviral drugs, and their additional protection in state reserves is sufficient.

After the meeting, GIS spokesman Jan Bondar said that sanitary and epidemiological stations would remind primary care physicians to inform them about flu cases. During the meeting, it was recommended to continue the campaign encouraging vaccination of people over 65, chronically ill and young children – he added.

Recommendations on protective vaccinations against influenza in the 2010-2011 season are available on the website of the National Influenza Center, NIPH-NIH.

On Tuesday, the NRL sent another letter to the Minister of Health, Ewa Kopacz, on providing vaccines against the A / H1N1 virus to health care workers. Earlier, the NRL wrote to the Ministry of Health on this matter, inter alia, in October last year. Due to the fact that this virus was the cause of death of many people, including doctors who contracted the disease in connection with their professional duties, it is necessary to protect medical professionals and others cooperating in providing health services by covering them with appropriate protective vaccinations – wrote the president of the NRL, Maciej Hamankiewicz.

Deputy Minister Fronczak told PAP on Tuesday that the possibility of providing vaccines to doctors was considered at the meeting. He stressed that he had not yet read the letter from the NRL.

According to a report posted on the website of the National Institute of Hygiene, 1 cases of flu were reported or suspected in the week of January 7-24. So far, sanitary and epidemiological stations have reported two deaths of people with laboratory confirmation of the A / H464N1 virus, according to the report. The average daily incidence of influenza is 1 per 9,2. population.

Two more deaths of people infected with the A / H1N1 virus were reported on Tuesday; a young man died in Tarnów (Małopolskie), a 60-year-old woman in Chojnice (Pomorskie) (PAP)

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