Myths and truth: how the stars of “Interns”, “Fizruk” and “Real boys” lost weight

Myths and truth: how the stars of “Interns”, “Fizruk” and “Real boys” lost weight

It is worth some celebrity to lose weight, as information “from trusted sources” immediately appears about how she managed to lose weight. Wonderful chewing gum, green coffee, special bracelets … We talked to the three stars of the TNT channel, whose names are especially often remembered in connection with losing weight, and found out how they actually got rid of those extra pounds.

What was attributed to: Hollywood diet, Green coffee, weight loss needle, Ducan diet.

Actually: The Interns star was helped by massage and proper nutrition.

“I felt that there was an overdose in nutrition, weight gain was taking place and everything was approaching the“ point of no return ”. I realized that something needed to be done, – says Svetlana. – I turned to specialists. I was recommended a massage. Three times a week for two hours we worked with specific zones and “smashed the deposits.” At the same time, we made a list of products that were not desirable in my case. It got: coffee, fatty meat, tomatoes, cottage cheese, dairy products, sweet and starchy foods. I replaced coffee with green tea with lemon. It turned out that you can and should: vegetables, herbs in any quantity, fish, boiled veal, chicken (only white meat, no skin), turkey. At the same time, I do not exhaust myself with diets. You can do everything (even cakes!), Only in small portions. And I keep a simple rule: I have dinner three hours before I go to bed. “

Advice from Svetlana: “I will share a sample menu for the day. For breakfast – salad (no salt, with olive oil or lemon juice), green tea. For lunch: fish or meat, stewed vegetables, herbs. For dinner – cottage cheese, an apple, a salad, and sometimes it is better to limit yourself to a glass of kefir, an apple or a grapefruit. Be sure to give yourself the right mindset. You can’t say “I’m losing weight”, you need to say “I’m bringing myself back to normal”!

Maria Shekunova (Skornitskaya)

What was attributed to: green coffee.

Actually: the actress of the series “Real Boys” was helped by fractional nutrition and the choice of the right products.

“Green coffee? Bullshit! – Maria is indignant. – They wrote some nonsense on the Internet, I heard. And they wrote about Valya Mazunina (another actress of “Real Boys”. – Ed.). This is all not true! Yes, before the birth of the child, I lost five kilograms. But not thanks to green coffee. I came to a nutritionist, we picked up the right food. It’s not even about diets, but about a normal healthy diet, a way of life. After giving birth, however, I do not always succeed in observing everything. It takes time, you need to constantly think about it. But I still try to buy the right foods, to follow the regime – to eat four to five times a day. Thanks to this, I quickly bounced back. A balanced diet, regimen and sports are the most adequate ways to lose weight. I’m still trying to do some exercises at home. But, of course, you have to go to the gym! “

Advice from Mary: “See a dietitian and choose the right foods for you. Try to stick to the diet, eat 4-5 times a day. Observe the daily routine. Go to the fitness center. “

What was attributed to: special pills, miracle bracelets and weight loss gum.

Actually: the star of the series “Fizruk” was helped by diet and physical activity.

“I was gaining extra weight especially for the role of Sasha Mamaeva. If you will allow me, I will not voice exactly how much I recovered. But believe me, this is a terrible figure! – says the actress. – Everything that is written on the Internet on my behalf: I lost weight on goji berries, green coffee and other methods is all fake and has nothing to do with me. I managed to get back in shape due to the fact that for a whole month I ate only barley and vegetables. ” In addition, regular active sports helped to build Polina.

Advice from Polina: “Proper nutrition is the key to harmony!”

Olga Yakuncheva, Marina Kuznetsova

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