Myths and truth about IVF
There are many questions about the in vitro fertilization procedure, there are many rumors around IVF. What is true in these idle conversations, and what are myths, we understand together with a reproductive specialist

IVF is a relatively young procedure. Therefore, there are many myths around it. We will dispel the most popular of them with the fertility doctor Tatyana Makarova.

IVF is intended for those who want to give birth after 35 years

Modern women increasingly prefer a career to a family. And the birth of the first child is sometimes delayed until the age of 30 and beyond.

However, women are much less likely to become pregnant after 35 years of age. Postponing motherhood creates certain problems. Therefore, patients seeking IVF are often over 35 years old.

For example, at age 43, the chances of pregnancy are reduced to 10-12% (1). The risk of having a child with congenital anomalies increases. This is because the probability of occurrence of gene mutations in the egg is much higher.

But it is possible to face infertility due to various gynecological diseases at the age of 20-25. If treatment aimed at natural conception is unsuccessful, such patients are referred for IVF.

IVF leads to multiple pregnancy

The percentage of multiple pregnancy as a result of IVF is really high. However, to say that IVF always leads to the birth of several children is not entirely correct. In order to insure, reproductologists transfer 2-3 embryos at the same time. Of two or three embryos, only one can take root, two or all three can take root. There is a law governing the number of embryos a woman is allowed to transfer. In Our Country, it is recommended to transplant no more than three. However, more qualified doctors consider it acceptable to transfer only two embryos. Multiple pregnancy is less physiological and is fraught with the development of complications.

Test tube babies are born weaker

Children who are born as a result of in vitro fertilization are no different from children born naturally. The only difference is that the fusion of the germ cells of the father and mother does not occur in the fallopian tubes, but outside the mother’s body.

The idea that test-tube babies are born weak is precisely due to the frequency of multiple pregnancies as a result of IVF. As you know, children with multiple pregnancy are often born weak and premature.

That is, the weakness and low weight of children are not associated with the IVF procedure itself, but with multiple pregnancy.

After IVF, they give birth only by caesarean section.

Childbirth after IVF is the same as in a normal pregnancy. A woman gives birth naturally. The decision to perform a cesarean section is made by doctors in the maternity hospital only if there are appropriate indications.

If the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies and the condition of the mother and fetus allows you to give birth naturally, then the woman gives birth herself, after her contractions begin and the amniotic fluid leaves. If there are any complications, the issue of an urgent caesarean section is decided.

IVF negatively affects women’s health

The IVF procedure, of course, involves stimulation with the help of hormonal drugs. Before each procedure, the doctor assesses the possible risks of each patient, what complications are likely to be encountered. A woman passes all the necessary tests, consults a therapist, endocrinologist, mammologist and other specialists (2). Based on the results of analyzes and conclusions of specialists, a decision is made on the possibility of IVF.

IVF is very expensive and not available to everyone

Since 2013, the IVF procedure has been available within the CHI. Married couples with a confirmed diagnosis of infertility are eligible for a free IVF procedure, and the number of attempts is not limited. To obtain a quota, you must contact the antenatal clinic at the place of residence.

Expert Commentary

– Today, IVF is one of the most popular, due to its effectiveness, methods of infertility treatment, – notes reproductive specialist Tatyana Makarova. – And this contributes to the emergence of dozens of myths and legends associated with it. Is it really? Let’s figure it out.

IVF is expensive. As we mentioned above, since 2013, the IVF procedure has become available in our country as part of the CHI system. Couples who have been diagnosed as infertile are eligible for free IVF treatment. In addition, if you still paid for in vitro fertilization, you can get a tax deduction: you can get 13% of the cost of the procedure “on hand” for the year, since this is an expensive treatment.

IVF is long. Of course, the process takes some time. The duration of treatment, on the one hand, depends on the patients, the severity of the diagnosis, and situational factors (3).

In the first case, this refers to how quickly the woman and her partner passed the tests and underwent the necessary studies, what are the financial opportunities in the situation of paid IVF, and so on.

In the second case, the more difficult the diagnosis, the more time it may take for the onset of pregnancy and its successful bearing with the subsequent birth of a child. Reproductologists are most often approached by women who have several diseases (or pathologies) that prevent the fulfillment of the dream of a happy parenthood. Often, doctors deal with combinations of diseases (pathologies), for example, hormonal disorders in the thyroid gland are accompanied by disorders in the woman’s blood coagulation system, adhesions in the pelvis, etc.

IVF is always twins (multiple pregnancy). Indeed, even 15-20 years ago, IVF most often ended in multiple pregnancies. But now our reproductologists follow world practice in terms of the number of embryos transferred and in most cases recommend selective transfer of 1 (ONE) embryo. This is because a higher success rate with multiple embryo transfers has not been proven. But maintaining and enduring multiple pregnancies is often not so easy.

IVF is always a cesarean. A caesarean section is an operative intervention, in other words, an operation! In medicine, each procedure has its indications. The method of conception (technologies used for conception) has nothing to do with operative delivery and is not an indication for it. Another thing is that problems with the onset of independent pregnancy are often accompanied by problems with independent delivery, and then you have to resort to a caesarean section. But to say that after IVF a caesarean will always be performed is absolutely unacceptable!

IVF leads to cancer. The topic is speculative due to certain events in the domestic show business. If there is such a conviction, it is necessary to work with it, to explain it. If we are talking about the direct connection “IVF – the cause of cancer”, then we must also be sure that any hormonal changes lead to cancer. And if you follow this logic, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, and polycystic ovary syndrome, etc., should lead to cancer. Don’t you think this is somewhat absurd?

I must say that hormonal stimulation can really lead to a malfunction of internal organs and systems. And it is for this reason that women undergo a thorough examination before the IVF procedure! The Order of the Ministry of Health of the Federation dated August 30.08.2012, 107 No. 05.03.2019n specifies the stages of the examination, its completeness and depth. Also, the Ministry of Health has developed clinical guidelines (treatment protocol) “Female infertility (modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment)”, which were approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Federation dated 15 No. 4-2 / I / 1913-XNUMX.

As a result of IVF, sick / disabled children are born. To date, there are the results of several foreign studies that note the lack of a direct connection between the method of conceiving a child and its development, health status. At the same time, researchers associate the development and health of children with the fertility of the pregnancy, as a result of which they were born: singleton or multiple. Babies from multiple pregnancies have a higher risk of health problems than single-born babies, and this is regardless of the use of ART.

Popular questions and answers

Why are there so many myths about IVF?

Since the procedure is relatively new, people do not fully understand and accept it. And we tend to come up with explanations for everything unknown. Therefore, if you are interested in a question, ask it to a specialist, not a neighbor.

How does religion relate to IVF?

The official position of the Church is as follows: IVF is permissible from a religious point of view, if it is not fundamentally different from natural conception. That is, it takes place using the cells of the spouses, and not donors. Freezing and destroying embryos is not welcome, as this can be equated with murder.

Is it true that children born through IVF will not be able to give birth to their children naturally?

Let’s just say that the first test-tube baby, Louise Brown, born in 1978, has two children born and conceived naturally. Infertility of generations is affected by heredity, but not by IVF.

Sources of

  1. Bazanov P.A. / IVF-motherhood. When nature needs help // 2021
  2. Kagin I.Yu. / In vitro fertilization: a practical guide for doctors // 2021
  3. Kuzmichev L.N., Shtyrya Yu.A. / In vitro fertilization. Only facts. Information for reflection // 2012

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