Myths and truth about coronavirus
Following the emergence of a new threat, myths about the coronavirus began to circulate on the network and just in conversations. Which of this is fake and which is true – says “Komsomolskaya Pravda” together with the doctor

The flow of information about the coronavirus is pouring from all sources. They say one thing on TV, they read something else on the Internet, and friends tell completely different information. Who to believe?

“Komsomolskaya Pravda” together with Candidate of Medical Sciences Andrey Kondrakhin prepared an article about the myths and truth about the coronavirus.

Myths about coronavirus

Men with beards are at risk.

Indeed, hair can be a source of transmission of infectious agents. That’s why they wear a cap on their heads, and if there is a beard, masks are recommended. But these people cannot be attributed to the risk group, but they can potentially become infected or become a carrier of infection.

The pandemic that has been declared in the world is something terrible.

A pandemic is when an epidemic spreads beyond the territory of one region in a country, country and passes to other states.

Only Asians and people with “eastern” genes get sick.

One could say so when the virus conquered Asian countries. But as we see now, this is not the case. Europeans, Africans, and Americans get sick.

I will eat a lot of garlic and not get sick!

Strictly speaking, there is not a single food product that reliably raises immunity. According to unconfirmed reports, ginger, red pepper (the hotter the better), garlic, broccoli, raspberries, Brazil nuts, seaweed and cabbage, cranberries, lingonberries have an immunostimulating effect in folk medicine.

Coronavirus is a virus, which means it can be treated with antibiotics.

First, it is not worth treating with antibiotics on its own. Only a doctor can decide which antibiotic is needed. Coronavirus is not treated with antibiotics.

I will wear a mask and it will protect.

The mask doesn’t help. It is only necessary if the patient has coronavirus. So it significantly blocks the spread of infection. Although in the epicenter of the epidemic, healthy people also need a mask. But she works two or three hours. Protects from droplets of saliva infected.

Coronavirus proceeds without a temperature, so you won’t know for a long time that you are sick.

Many patients with COVID-2019 have a fever. This is the very first symptom of the disease. This slows down its spread in the body, but does not kill the virus in the body. However, there is also an asymptomatic course of the disease.

High temperature will kill the virus. You need to warm yourself, for example, in a bath.

The bath will not be able to help with COVID-2019, it does not kill viruses.

The truth about the coronavirus

Handshakes – Should You Refuse?

A handshake is the most common way of transmitting any pathogen from a sick person to a healthy person. Dangerous in every sense in infectious diseases of viral, bacterial, parasitic. Even if a person is not sick, but is in the stage of the incubation period, he is conditionally infected.

When sneezing and coughing, we were taught to cover our mouths with our hands. But it is better to do this in a disposable handkerchief.

Coronavirus has a high mortality rate by the standards of other viruses.

With influenza, the mortality rate is less than 1% of those infected, and with coronavirus, about 4% of registered cases.

Antiseptics, chlorhexidine, alcohol, soap – should they wipe their hands for safety?

Any antiseptic solutions disinfect the skin of the hands, alcohol-containing or chlorine-containing. Soap does not kill bacteria and viruses, but only helps wash them away. For this reason, a long procedure for treating hands with soap is carried out – washing hands is 30 seconds.

Popular questions and answers

Do antiviral drugs from pharmacies help against coronavirus?
There are currently no clinical trials of drugs for the treatment of COVID-2019. Thus, it can be argued that it is impossible to purchase antiviral drugs for treatment in our pharmacies.
Is it possible to pick up the virus from the surface, for example, by touching the elevator button?
Indeed, while touching with a “dirty hand” on any surface, buttons, door handles, the doors themselves, etc., handrails in transport. We contaminate—contaminate—surfaces with microorganisms. Therefore, it is better not to touch the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth with your hands, because. they are very susceptible to infection and are the entry gate for infection.
At what distance is it safe to communicate with a person if you are afraid of catching the virus?
The recommendation of experts is 1,5 meters. However, this distance is typical for most infections.

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