Myths about strength training

A whole bunch of myths have formed around strength training. Today we will dispel them.

  • Stop loading yourself with strength exercises – and the muscles will turn into fat. This is an exaggeration. Muscles, of course, will not become fat, but their mass will decrease. The solution is simple – if you stop exercising regularly, then reduce the calorie intake.
  • Muscle growth requires heavy weights and low reps. In fact, light weight and 6-15 repetitions are no less effective. The main thing – try to perform exercises until fatigue in the muscles.
  • Strength training worsens stretching. This is a lie – strength exercises can even improve stretching (but be sure to do them in a full range of motion).
  • Machines are more effective than free weights. No, this is not true: machines limit the range and do not reduce the interaction of different muscle groups, and free weights load your muscles better.
  • Do not do other exercises between sets. This is not the case – light exercise will help keep the muscles warm and improve joint mobility.
  • Strength training is very harmful to the joints. Yes, but only if you have not warmed up your muscles, perform exercises with technical violations, or take too much weight.

Cleared up? Excellent! Then come to the ALEX FITNESS gyms and work out properly!

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