Film «Scenes from Life»

An ordinary guy is trying to get acquainted with a girl — a gestalt therapist.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Gestalt therapy is a developing and ambiguous phenomenon, especially not everyone who practices as a Gestalt therapist has sufficient culture and qualifications. Perhaps, in this regard, many distorted ideas and myths have accumulated around Gestalt therapy.

We recommend articles by experts respected among Gestalt therapists:

  • Ten Myths About Gestalt Therapy — article by Alexey Smirnov,
  • Myths about Gestaltists and their origin (article) — article by Nina u.e.tein.
  • Dirty Gestalt — Polina Gaverdovskaya’s blog

Myths or reality?

If ninety percent of (suppose) Gestalt therapists work as described in «myths», then those who consider the controversial work of Gestalt therapists to be myths about Gestalt therapy and those who consider it to be the essence of Gestalt therapy will be equally right. measure to date. If suddenly nowhere you meet anything but a myth, the myth turns out to be reality itself. The task of the community of Gestalt therapists is to move and grow, to increase the culture and qualifications of therapists so that there is less real basis for such and other myths.

Opinion of Mikhail Papus

A very nice little text, but what he calls “myths” is Gestalt therapy and what he opposes is a completely obvious “non-Gestalt”. It would be possible to show all this with numerous quotes in hand, but laziness. Besides, Goodman’s gestalt and Perls’ gestalt are two big differences, as they say in Odessa.

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