🙂 Greetings to regular and new readers! Friends, each of us has had mysticism in life: incredible coincidences and inexplicable facts. About my case, I wrote an article “A Note to the Deceased Brother”. I will tell you two more cases from the life of my friends. I named them “Inner Voice” and “Light House”.
Inner voice
Before going on maternity leave, I worked in a small company. She had a modest Zhiguli car of the 6th model. The case I want to tell you about happened in 2010, when I was six months pregnant. I think this is mysticism in life.
Annunciation Church (Krasnoyarsk), years of construction 1804-1812
I decided to meet with my friend Elena in the temple of the nunnery in the city of Krasnoyarsk. A friend could not come, but I was already near the church and thought: maybe I shouldn’t go too, but go home? The belly is already big, it’s hard to stand for a long time.
I often have prophetic dreams, as well as bouts of clairvoyance – when some inner voice says what exactly needs to be done. So at that moment I heard:
– Go to the temple, wait at least an hour, you will cleanse yourself, and through you husband and children.
But I didn’t really want to go and stand, because there might not be seats, grandmothers usually occupy all the benches. And I mentally refused to go to the temple, decided that I would go home.
I started to start the car, but it won’t start. And I got to the monastery without any problems. Five times I tried to bring her – it’s useless.
As a result, I went to the church, walked around the icons, lit candles, prayed, asked for the health of my loved ones, stood for more than an hour at the service of the priest. By the way, I also sat and rested on a chair, which, luckily for me, was free.
And now I leave the church and think: “How much will it take to suffer to bring the car? How do I get home? “
And what is the bottom line? The car, surprisingly, started up with half a turn, and I drove to my house with peace of mind. And the child was born healthy – to the delight of all of us.
Light house
This story was told by my colleague, Nina Mikhailovna. When her mother died, she was buried in a low place, in an old cemetery. And when his father died a year later, he was buried in a new place, on a hill.
Soon Nina Mikhailovna dreamed that she was walking with her father through a flowering meadow. He is cheerful, smiles, says:
– Here, daughter, I have a new house, it stands on a mountain, it is bright and clean, but it’s too early for you to go there.
He said goodbye and seemed to melt away. The very next night, she saw her mother, who was sadly sitting in a twilight room, sewing something. Lifting her head and seeing her daughter, she said:
“Ninochka, my father’s house is bright and clean, but I’m sitting in the dark.
In the morning, Nina Mikhailovna asked her son to take her to his mother’s grave. She hasn’t been to the cemetery for over a month.
Arriving, Nina Mikhailovna and her son found that the grave had sunk heavily due to heavy rains, the water stagnated in it, and the weeds had grown above the fence. They began to put things in order.
They cleaned everything, weeded it, filled the hole with sand, put fresh flowers. And on the same night, Nina Mikhailovna again saw her mother in a dream. She was neatly dressed, cheerful, said with joy:
– Daughter, now my house is bright and clean, thank you.
Telling me this story, Nina Mikhailovna added:
– I now regularly put things in order at the graves of my parents, put candles in the church for the repose and believe that they, being in another dimension, see and feel everything.
🙂 Friends, has a similar mysticism happened to you in your life? We look forward to your stories!