Mysticism from life: cursed ring or corruption of the envious

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! Gentlemen, in the article Mystic from Life: “The Cursed Ring” is a real story that happened to one woman in the 60s of the last century. Events unfold in the village of N, which is near Sverdlovsk.

Cursed ring

Maria married early, the marriage was successful. Her husband, Stepan, was engaged in agriculture, moonlighting as a tractor driver. He played the accordion best of all and was at one time “the first guy in the village”. Marya taught mathematics at a local school.

Things were going uphill for Stepan. There was enough money for almost everything, neither he nor his wife knew the need for anything. And what do you need? They built a house themselves, almost raised two children, and will soon be sent to study at the capital’s university. Consider that life has not been lived in vain. And everything went smoothly for them, oh well, but, up to a certain point.

Mysticism from life: cursed ring or corruption of the envious

In one year, several misfortunes fell on Stepan and Maria. Just mysticism! All the livestock died out, only a few heads remained of the herd, the hail destroyed all crops, the economy collapsed right before our eyes. Husband wilted, began to drink every day (although before that he did not drink even on holidays). He started shouting at his wife, even began to dismiss his hands.

Soon, Stepa’s brother, a very young boy, died tragically. The youngest son fell seriously ill. Stepan found the strength in himself and coped with the green snake, but then he began to hurt badly, wasted right before our eyes.

Heart problems began, the doctors insisted on surgery … And this, as you know, is a difficult and risky business, Styopa was very afraid to leave his wife alone with the children. In general, the black stripe has arrived. So much for the mysticism from the life of people …


Once Maria came home from work terribly tired and had barely sat down to supper when there was a knock on the window. There was a poor gypsy on the threshold. She asked the woman for some bread and clean water for the children.

Maria felt sorry for this woman, because it is not because of a good life that she is forced to walk around the courtyards and beg. She invited the gypsy to the house. She fed me what she could and collected a small ration with bread, flour, tea and jam for the kids.

The gypsy thanked the hostess for her kindness, took the bag of food and went to the exit. At the door she turned around and said: “A great misfortune has befallen your family. They did it on purpose for some thing, they wished big troubles. And this thing is in your house. Most likely it is silver. Find it and bury it as far away from here as possible. ”

With these words, the stranger left, leaving Maria in complete bewilderment. The whole day the woman could not calm down – the words of the gypsy shuvani did not come out of her head. In search of a mysterious little thing, Maria rummaged through the whole house, but to no avail – she found nothing.

Strange ring

So a month passed. And then one day, going to bed, the woman felt something in the pillow. She immediately ripped it open and, to her surprise, found there a silver ring with stone, beautiful, obviously old. How it got there Maria could not even imagine. The next morning she buried the ring on the outskirts of the village.

I told my husband about the find. Although he was skeptical about mystical things, he believed his wife. And he even put forward his own version: it’s no secret that Stepan was friends with a local girl. From the same village, even before Mary.

Then he was drafted into the army, and his girlfriend soon jumped out to marry, never waiting for her soldier. Even though she promised. But her marriage was unsuccessful. The husband dismissed his hands and often went into binges, spending all the money on binges in the company of friends.

In general, she endured him for about two years, and then divorced. And she again began to stick to Stepan, did not give him a pass, swore in love. Yes, all in vain – Stepan loved his young wife deeply and honestly remained faithful to her.

By this time, the young have already had a son. And this girl was getting into a friend to Marya. She often began to visit them. So, in a neighborly way, then for salt, then drink tea and chat about this and that.

Woman’s revenge

Stepan is sure that it was she who threw the ring, harboring a grudge against him. How did the ring end up in the pillow? Perhaps a friend took advantage of the fact that in the summer, pillows were often taken out into the yard to “fry” them in the sun. A sort of woman’s revenge.

This is mysticism. Coincidence or not, but after Masha discovered and buried the found ring, things in the family began to improve. And this girl is still bad to this day. Nobody got married, never made any children, vegetates alone and often kisses the bottle.

And the readers would like to say: beware of human envy, do not let people in whom you are not sure on the threshold of your house, because family happiness is so fragile …

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