Mystical tale: A flower meadow for lovers

😉 Greetings lovers of mystical stories! I hope the mystical story “Flower Glade” will be of interest to you.

Flower meadow

The house of my friend Daria’s grandmother was on the outskirts of the village, immediately behind it was a large meadow, followed by a river. If you cross it along a narrow wooden bridge, you can get into the forest. Previously, there was a village where Maria Sergeevna was from. When they began to build a new village, the old village was empty.

Grandfather Peter

In the summer, my friend and I often went to her grandmother’s, sometimes staying there for several weeks. We, then still small, were often left with our neighbor, grandfather Petya, when Maria Sergeevna went to the collective farm to milk the cows. Grandfather looked after us, often told us all sorts of stories from his life. We respected him very much.

Maria Sergeevna said that she and her husband had been friends with Peter’s family since their youth, since they lived next door in an old village. Then they all moved together to a new village, where they again became neighbors.

“He’s a good man, only he’s lonely,” said Maria Sergeevna. – After the death of his wife, many villagers began to notice strange things behind him, they think, his mind was moved. Who knows…

Years passed, we got older. Many years have passed since our last trip to the village. And then one day, according to good old memory, they decided to come to Maria Sergeevna with an overnight stay. First of all, we went to visit grandfather Peter, he suddenly opened up:

– The sin lies heavy on me. I loved two women and ruined both of them. When he was young, he just came from the army, began to meet with Natalia. My parents were categorically against it: there were rumors throughout the village that my bride was a witch. Too late I realized it was true.

The green-eyed beauty drove me crazy. I could not live without her. I was ready for anything for her. We met in secret, in the woods near the village. There is a small glade, all in flowers.

New love

Grandfather Petya was silent for a little, and then continued his mystical story:

– And then I went to the city for courses from the factory where I worked then. There I met Nastenka. I forgot about everything – as if they had poured icy water, the veil fell from the eyes. Immediately I realized that I would marry her.

What started here! Natasha was running on my heels, cursing in the most terrible words. But what could I do? He said honestly: “Sorry, they say, I met another.”

We got married with Nastya. Just at this time, everyone began to move to the new village. And then the devil pulled me shortly before moving to show my wife this very flower meadow …

– Wait, grandfather, what happened to the ex-bride?

The grandfather fell silent again. It was evident that the old man was very worried. Finally, he continued:

– She lost her mind without surviving betrayal. She walked through the forest at night, collected roots and herbs, constantly whispered some spells under her breath. And then she disappeared without a trace. No one ever found out where she went.

Well, so, I showed this flower meadow to my young wife on my sinful head … We began to pick flowers with her, fool around and weave wreaths on each other’s heads. Suddenly I feel: like a stab in the back. He turned around, and in the thicket of the forest Natalya seemed to be hiding behind the branches. Looked more closely: like the shadow of the tree falls so bizarrely.

Witch’s Revenge

We have moved, therefore, to a new village. Summer has come, and, as luck would have it, I caught a bad cold. The temperature rose very high, the whole body was on fire, I could not even drink water – it was so bad.

– Maybe you want something, Petenka? – asked Nastya carefully. – How to cure you as soon as possible?

And I take it and blurt out:

– I want some tea. From the wildflowers!

In the morning I wake up, Nastasya is not at home. In half an hour he comes with a whole bunch of these damned flowers. I know them well: they are large and fragrant. There were no more such in the whole village. Only there, in a clearing near the forest.

– What are you ?! I went to that clearing, so far ?! You will give birth soon! – I pounced on her, (Nastenka was six months old).

– Calm down, Petya! All the same it worked out, – she smiled apologetically. – Just you know, I met some girl there, slender, beautiful, black hair to the waist. She looked at me, muttered something under her breath and went her own way. A second later she looked back, and she was not there, as though she had sunk through the earth.

Then I felt uneasy: I immediately realized what kind of girl she was. And in the evening Nastasya felt bad …

The old man shed tears:

– Two sons could not be saved: one died immediately after birth, the second was already born dead. Nastenka was delirious for several days. She asked to bring all the flowers of those field for some reason. I knew that there was no way to save her, but still I risked going to this damned clearing. I pick flowers and cry.

Suddenly, a voice behind his back: “You will never see happiness! You will live and suffer until you beg forgiveness from me, the dead! ” It’s Natalia! But it was not so: turned around – there was no one.

Before I had time to bring flowers to Nastenka, she died. I didn’t love anyone else. So I live alone. But on every anniversary of her death, I go to that meadow, pick flowers there and bring them to Nastenka’s grave … Here is such a mystical story.

Flower meadow

How old was grandfather Peter? Nobody could answer this question. Every day he grew weaker and weaker. Often he sat on a bench near the house and looked thoughtfully into the distance.

– But tomorrow is another anniversary. We need to go for flowers!

– Grandfather, are you out of your mind? It’s so far away! Let’s go with Dasha!

– You can’t go there. Natasha will let him go.

In the morning we woke up and went out into the yard, our neighbor was not in his usual place. He returned to dinner very tired. But there was a smile on his face. In his hands he held a whole bunch of flowers.

– I have no more strength … I will not be able to reach the cemetery. In other matters, it is no longer necessary … My time has come! Soon I will go to my Anastasia and we will be happy again. Natasha forgave me. I asked her. And the flowers … Go to Nastenka’s grave, take the flowers to her.

This was the last time we saw the old man. The next morning he was gone. He died with a smile on his face, as if he was glad that, at last, he was leaving for his beloved Nastya.

After a while, out of curiosity, Dasha and I decided to go to that clearing. But she is not! City high-rise buildings have been standing there for a long time! Where did grandfather Petya go for flowers? We never found this out.

If you liked the mystical story “Flower Glade”, share it with your friends on social networks. Until next time! Come in, run in, drop in!

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