Mysterious ” flu”. The pandemic could have been caused by the coronavirus
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Scientists are looking at the ‘ flu’ pandemic of the late XNUMXth century and trying to determine if it was caused by the coronavirus. This is likely because then patients lost their sense of smell and taste and died of pulmonary embolism. In total, up to a million people died.

  1. Loss of smell and taste, prolonged weakness. Among the deceased, rather elderly people and with other diseases. The ” Flu” of 1889 is confusingly similar to COVID-19
  2. Scientists are looking for evidence that the ‘ flu’ was caused by the coronavirus. This could help bring an end to the ongoing pandemic
  3. Scientists, however, dampen enthusiasm. Historical sources are not enough to draw reliable conclusions. Biologists are looking for preparations with lung fragments of patients with ” flu”
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  5. You can find more about the coronavirus on the TvoiLokony home page

At the end of December 1889, the New York newspaper, The Evening World, wrote: “It’s not fatal, not even necessarily dangerous,” and the context was the case of a 25-year-old who was reported to have had the flu but recovered quickly. It turned out that he was released from the hospital too early, “caught a cold” and eventually died.

In the following weeks, a record 1202 deaths were reported in New York, and the New York Tribune wrote: “People with weak lungs and suffering from heart disease or kidney problems are most affected by the disease, and in many cases the flu quickly leads to pneumonia.” . “Kurier Poznański” wrote: “the rich have doctors who can save them, the poor have no one”.

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It turned out that the pandemic had started to develop gradually a year earlier in Central Asia. In May 1889, the inhabitants of Bukhara, a city then part of the Empire, began to fall ill and die unexpectedly. The cause turned out to be a virus attacking the respiratory system, and the disease it caused was dubbed the ” flu”.

The virus, which took over the world, took its toll mainly among the elderly and led to hospital failure. However, as summer came, fewer and fewer cases of the disease began to be recorded. It returned with new power in October in Khabarovsk. After some time, it was noted that epidemic outbreaks broke out at the stations of the Trans-Siberian Railway, which meant that the pandemic was approaching St. Petersburg.

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The ” flu” is similar to COVID-19

The symptoms of the ” flu” included loss of smell and taste, prolonged weakness, and the most common cause of death was pulmonary embolism. Eventually, after at least three waves of infection in 1891, the pandemic was brought under control. As the infection pattern and symptoms seem familiar, scientists began to wonder if the ‘ flu’ pandemic was caused by the coronavirus. They are also trying to determine if knowledge about the ” flu” will help in the fight against COVID-19.

According to some scientists, the coronavirus if he really caused the ” flu” it can still circulate the world as one of the four coronaviruses responsible for the common cold. That would be a good omen for us as it would mean that the coronavirus may stop mutating.

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Tom Ewing of Virginia Tech, one of the few flu researchers, notes striking parallels with the current COVID-19 pandemic: all institutions and workplaces were shut down, the health system was inefficient, and the pandemic had several waves. Scientists believe that the ‘ flu’ is likely to be caused by the coronavirus, especially as they have long wondered where the coronaviruses came from and whether there has been a similar pandemic in the past.

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One of the coronaviruses may have passed from cows to humans

Harald Bruessow, a retired Swiss microbiologist and editor of the journal Microbial Biotechnology, points to an article published in 2005 which states that another coronavirus currently circulating, known as OC43, which causes severe colds, may have passed from cows to humans in 1890 The scientist noticed that then the sick complained of the loss of taste and smell, and the nineteenth-century fatigue fin de siècle it could have been caused by the aftermath of the ” flu”. The disease killed the elderly but not the children, meaning the virus that caused it was different from the flu viruses, which kill both the very young and the very old.

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There is another similarity that J. Alexander Navarro, a historian at the University of Michigan, has pointed out. After the pandemic of the ” flu”, people quickly returned to normal life, as one in several hundred patients died. The newspapers stopped writing about it, and there was no question of general mourning. Dr. Navarro notes that the same is happening now.

” flu”. A puzzle to be solved?

Some medical historians do not share this optimism: “There is very little hard data on the flu pandemic in Our Country,” Yale’s Frank Snowden told The New York Times. Historical records cannot clearly answer the question of whether the coronavirus caused the flu. There is, however, a way to solve the mystery of the ” flu”. Molecular biologists now have the tools to extract fragments of the old virus from the preserved lung tissue of victims of the ” flu” and find out what virus it was. Researchers are looking in museums and medical schools for preparations that may contain fragments of the lungs of people who have suffered from the ” flu”.

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