Mysterious diseases of Catherine the Great. What did the tsarina die of?

Tsarina Katarzyna ruled Our Country for 34 years. Many myths and legends have arisen around her life, health and death, incl. she was supposed to be suffering from syphilis. The Emperor also overcame a fatal disease in the XNUMXth century. Her “medical records” is a separate story, full of interesting facts and rumors.

  1. The future empress of Our Country suffered pneumonia as a young girl, which she contracted while reading books in her cold castle after a night. She survived, despite 16 bloodletting attempts
  2. Only her third pregnancy was successful. The subjects laughed that her newborn son had the face of a bulldog. Today, scientists link it with syphilis, which the empress most likely contracted from one of the lovers
  3. What did Catherine the Great die of? A great deal of information circulated among the subjects. The official version is gallbladder stroke and rupture
  4. You can find more similar news on the TvoiLokony home page

What did Catherine the Great suffer from?

The Tsarina Catherine the Great (1729-1796) went down in the history of our country as one of the main engines of the partitions and the fall of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. She was responsible for the election of Stanisław August Poniatowski as the last king of Poland, as well as for the failures of attempts to reform the country. Many myths and legends have arisen around the famous ruler, including her health and lifestyle.

The future tsarina was very fond of reading books at night. She almost paid for her passion with her life. She fell ill with pneumonia, which usually ended in death in the 16th century. Doctors, according to the state of knowledge at the time, proposed a treatment involving bloodletting. And so they did XNUMX times. The organism endured it and Katarzyna recovered over time.

The history of Catherine the Great’s sexual conquests is legendary. It was not her husband, Peter III. The man suffered from phimosis which made intercourse impossible. As a result, the marriage was not consummated over the years. According to historians, Piotr III was disfigured by smallpox, which he suffered just before his wedding, which additionally discouraged Katarzyna from taking him. The Tsarina had many lovers and was famous for her love conquests. Frequent sexual contact with various lovers led the Tsarina to a venereal disease, which she had to heal for many months. Most likely she contracted syphilis.

  1. Syphilis in the mail order is available from Medonet Market

After her marriage to Piotr, Katarzyna became pregnant several times. The first two ended in a miscarriage. Only the third gave the longed-for, alive, male offspring. On October 1, 1754, the future Tsar Paul I (1754-1801) was born. The subjects laughed at the deformation of his face. It was supposed to resemble the muzzle of a bulldog or a Pekingese. The Tsarina had three more daughters.

Further part below the video.

What did Tsarina Catherine the Great die of?

Many myths and untruths have arisen around the circumstances of Catherine the Great’s death. One legend says that she went to the toilet, where she was attacked. The perpetrators were to install a spring bayonet in the toilet, which was to lead to bleeding out. This story, though drawn from the finger, has a righteous seed in it.

On November 17, 1796, the empress went to the toilet for the last time. This is where the first part of the drama took place. The woman suffered a stroke and fell to the floor.

  1. See also: When a stroke is due, the body sends a signal. This symptom portends that something is wrong

The servants dared to enter there only three hours later. The ruler was breathing with difficulty, she was blue in the face, she lost her speech. She opened her eyes for a moment, but then fell into a coma from which she never woke up again. Researchers found that the stroke was accompanied by rupture of the gallbladder.

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