Mysterious “disease X” on WHO’s special list of deadly threats

The mysterious “disease X” has joined the special list of deadly threats to humanity, compiled by the World Health Organization. WHO warns of an unknown virus that could lead to a global epidemic – reports «Independent». Are we in danger?

“Disease X” can be caused by an as yet undiscovered pathogen, and its extent may contribute to an epidemic on a global scale. Each year, scientists from WHO compile a list of the most likely diseases that could turn into a global pandemic. Among those, which are deadly to humans, there are i.a. Ebola virus, Lassa hemorrhagic fever, Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS), SARS or Zika virus. They cause epidemics that humans cannot cope with because countermeasures are insufficient or non-existent.

“Disease X” is the so-called known unknown – it is almost certain that it will appear, although its existence has not yet been established. It was entered on the list in order to prepare for possible threats before a dangerous epidemic – explains WHO. The World Health Organization wants to make sure that public health officials are prepared for all threats, not just the foreseeable ones.

“History shows that most likely the next big epidemic will be something we haven’t seen before,” John-Arne Rottingen, a WHO scientific adviser, told The Telegraph.

In fact, there are several potential sources of its origin: existing viruses, viruses “released” from the laboratory. It can also be a mutation of an existing disease such as avian influenza or African swine fever, or it can emerge as a completely new pathogen that will spread from animals to humans. However, this is not the only potential source of it. It is also possible that it may be a consequence of the use of biological or chemical weapons.

So far, the greatest fatal pandemic has been the so-called Spanish, or the Spanish flu, which resulted in the death of at least tens of millions of people.

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