Mysterious disappearances of people in the world: facts and versions

😉 Greetings to new site visitors and regular readers! Mysterious disappearances of people are an inexplicable phenomenon that has not yet been solved, there are only assumptions. The article contains interesting facts on this topic, plus a video.

According to statistics, more than two million people disappear in the world every year. In most cases, such disappearances can be explained: they are murders, accidents, natural disasters. The reasons for these “disappearances” sooner or later become clear, and sometimes become obvious almost immediately.

Mysterious disappearances of people: versions

Each of us has heard more than once about the facts of the strange disappearance of people without a trace. He went into the forest to pick mushrooms and did not return. He left the house and went to the bakery and disappeared. He left for the city to work and disappeared …

The common thing in all these mysterious stories is that people disappeared without a trace. Long and large-scale searches have led absolutely nowhere. No traces were found, not even hints that could give at least some clue. There are several versions explaining such disappearances. Here are the main ones, the most common.

First version: parallel worlds

There are Universes (and maybe even a great many), parallel and located outside ours.

Several facts can be cited in support of this version. For example, other people saw the moment of disappearance, that is, there were several witnesses. After all, a person cannot dissolve in the air right before his eyes like a cloud.

Such inexplicable sudden appearances and disappearances of people have occurred at all times. Our time is no exception.


An example from the XNUMXth century. In the small village of Perelberg, which is located on the territory of Germany, the diplomat Benjamin Betharst, famous at that time in Britain, disappeared right in front of a friend, numerous searches of which were unsuccessful.

In 1867 his neighbor L. Busier, who lived nearby, came to consult a Parisian doctor by the name of Bonvilaine.

The neighbor took off his clothes and lay down for examination on the couch, while the doctor literally turned to his desk for a couple of seconds, and when he looked at the patient’s place, in the room it was as if there had never been anyone. Busier disappeared, while his clothes remained untouched.

In 1917, in a Russian city called Kopeysk, employees of the Extraordinary Committee interrogated the merchant Alexei Niester. But suddenly he “disappeared” from the room where the interrogation was taking place.

Ten years later, Nester, as suddenly as he disappeared, appeared in the hallway of his house. More precisely, his body appeared, but without signs of aging. According to the prosecutor Khabetsky, who rented a room in his house, the deceased was pushed into the room as if by a spring, while the rotten boards were broken under the weight of the body.

By the way, the facts of such unusual appearances from “nowhere”, and not only numerous cases of “evaporation” in full view of thousands of witnesses, also speak in favor of the theory of “parallel worlds”.

In 1954, a very strange man was detained in one of the hotels in an unremarkable Japanese town. He showed everyone his passport, which was given to him in a certain state called Tuared, about which no one had heard.

Outraged by the mistrust, the man argued for a long time and persistently that Tuared was located between Mauritania and Sudan. In Japan, they have never heard of such a country.

As a result, it all ended with his placement in a psychiatric clinic, from which he subsequently disappeared without a trace. Who he is, how he appeared, what kind of state it was and how he suddenly disappeared – and remains an unsolved mystery to this day.

Second version: space-time distortion

Another version, not denying the first, but trying to explain it: there are space-time distortions, where people disappear. The presence of these spatial holes is associated with UFOs that are invisible to our eye. Nowadays, pits have been seen in several areas of Mexico, Scotland, the United States, as well as Russia.

According to this version, now several dozen UFOs hovered directly over our planet. Objects are invisible, they are like “doors” from today to the past or the future, and in the opposite direction. This opinion is shared by some American scientists.

In the summer of 1994, data were published from an Antarctic expedition that investigated some unexplained emissions. When the apparatus of the researchers was at the height of the UFO (300 meters above the surface of the icy continent).

Around this place, they observed a vortex, the apparatus fell under the influence of the vortex and disappeared from the field of view of scientists. Collecting data from the equipment, which was in a special container, they found that their exact clock showed the date of August 27, 1964. It turns out that within two minutes the container, having been in this zone, was 30 years behind.

It can be concluded that modern man still knows very little about the properties of time and space. Therefore, we have to be content with so far unproven theories and shaky hypotheses. So, in this area of ​​knowledge for scientists – a huge field of activity.


In this video more information “Mysterious Disappearances”

Mysterious Disappearance of People – Documentary

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