- The Sodder Children of Fayetteville: Disappeared from a Burning House
- Nicole Maureen: disappeared in a high-rise building
- April Fabb: left only the bike
- Bobby Dunbar: turned out to be someone else’s child
- The Beaumont Children: Didn’t Return from the Beach
- Ashley Freeman and Loria Bible: Murder Suspects
- Ayana Vinokurova and Alina Ivanova: walked in the courtyard of their grandmother
Sometimes real events turn out to be so strange and confusing that it is impossible to explain them otherwise than by mysticism. These seven cases of disappearances of children were never solved.
The Sodder Children of Fayetteville: Disappeared from a Burning House
On Christmas Eve in 1945, in a small American town, the house where a family with ten children lived unexpectedly caught fire. Around midnight, a strange telephone call rang in the house: not a word was spoken on the other end of the receiver. After that, as it turned out later, someone cut the cord, leaving the family without emergency contact. Then the mother heard strange sounds coming from the roof and smelled burning. Having woken up the children, the parents began to take them out of the house, but they could not get to the room of the older five’s bedroom, which was on the upper floor. My father tried to fit his pickup to the house, to reach the ladder to the bedroom window, but the fire quickly consumed the walls and ceilings. Firefighters have arrived at the dying coals. Surprisingly, the bodies of the children were never found. Betty, Jenny, Maurice, Martha and Louis disappeared without a trace.
Where the five children disappeared is still a mystery
Police launched an investigation, suggesting deliberate arson and possibly kidnapping. But the investigators were at a dead end, never having solved any of the mysteries of this strange case. 23 years later, the story received an unexpected continuation: the Sodders received an envelope with a photograph in the mail. The portrait of the young man was signed: “Louis Sodder”. Parents immediately believed that this was their disappeared son, the message revived the hope of finding children and uncovering the secret of that terrible night. However, the police failed to find the sender and identify the guy in the photo.
Nicole Maureen: disappeared in a high-rise building
This picture of Nicole is still being circulated around the world in the hope of finding the girl.
Eight-year-old Nicole lived with her parents in a 20-story building in Toronto. On July 30, 1985, her mother took her to the pool. A friend was already waiting in the yard, and one of the neighbors later said that he saw the girl go to the elevator. Soon a bell rang in the apartment: the girlfriend did not wait for Nicole at the entrance and got up to hurry. On the alarm, the Toronto police were raised, the best officers examined every corner of the house, entered all the apartments. No trace! Both the detectives and the parents did their best to find the girl, but nothing was learned about her disappearance. The child simply disappeared without leaving his own home and leaving no trace.
“I know someone killed her. I just feel it, ”said Jeannette Maureen, Nicole’s mother. A desperate woman spoke these words on August 1, 1985.
Officially, the case on Nicole’s disappearance has not yet been closed.
April Fabb: left only the bike
April’s mom didn’t part with the doll that belonged to her missing daughter.
The case of 13-year-old April, who disappeared on April 8, 1969, is still considered one of the main mysteries faced by the British detective system. The girl got on her bike and rode from Norfolk to her sister in a neighboring village. It was afternoon, April knew the way perfectly, but she did not come to her sister and did not return home either. The police combed the entire area, questioned everyone who could see her along the way. There was only one witness – a truck driver who caught a glimpse of a cyclist on the road. Later, a bicycle was found in the field, but this did not help in the investigation.
Nearly 10 years later, investigators speculated that the long-standing unsolved disappearance could have been linked to the case of another girl, Janet Tate, who disappeared in 1978. The alleged kidnapper was believed to be Robert Black, who killed the children. But the version was not confirmed: not a single proof of his involvement in the April Fabb case was found. The only suspect died in prison two years ago. He was imprisoned for the kidnapping and murder of four girls. April’s mom, Olivia Fabb, was waiting for her daughter home until her last breath. She died in 2013 without knowing what happened to her girl. Olivia Fabb was 93 years old.
Bobby Dunbar: turned out to be someone else’s child
Bobby Dunbar and his alleged family
This tragic story received a shocking continuation after 90 years. However, first things first. Bobby was born into a wealthy family in 1908. In August 1912, the whole family, parents and two sons went fishing with friends. Rest on the lake turned into a nightmare: the older boy disappeared. Information about his disappearance was widely publicized, the four-year-old child was searched for at the bottom of the lake, on the shores and throughout the district, even alligators were killed, hoping to find his remains in the stomachs of predators. All that we could find were traces of small bare feet on the way to the station. The parents grabbed hold of this straw of hope and gave a big reward for any information about Bobby. And 8 months later, a letter arrived: the child was seen in Mississippi, along with the tramp William Walters, making a living tuning the piano. The parents recognized their son in the found boy, although Walter, who was arrested for the kidnapping, insisted that it was his own nephew Bruce, the son of his deceased brother: Bruce’s mother, Julia Anderson, let him and his uncle get to know his father’s relatives. Nobody believed the tramp.
Bobby grew up in the Dunbar family with no need for anything. He received an excellent education, became the heir to the family capital, got married and had children. Julia, meanwhile, remarried, gave birth to seven children, but until the end of her life she blamed the Dunbar family for taking her first child. One of Bobby Dunbar’s granddaughters, after his death, decided to put an end to this story. Several DNA examinations led to a sensational result: the found child had nothing to do with the Dunbars! At the same time, the blood relationship of his heirs with Julia Anderson was confirmed. So almost a century later, it was established that the real Bobby disappeared without a trace.
The Beaumont Children: Didn’t Return from the Beach
The kids were seen with some strangers
Three children, Jim and Nancy Beaumont, from Adelaide, Australia, on the morning of January 26, 1966, boarded a bus and drove to the beach, a 5-minute drive from their home. By lunchtime, nine-year-old Jane with 7-year-old Arna and 4-year-old Grant were to return home. When the children did not show up, their mother thought at first that they decided to return on foot. But the anxiety did not leave her: together with her husband, who had come running from work, they rushed in search. In the evening, desperate, Jim and Nancy reported the missing children to the police. A wanted list was announced throughout South Australia, but none of the babies were ever found. The assumption that they could drown was not confirmed, and witnesses told about two strange facts. Firstly, next to the Beaumond children, they saw an unknown thin blonde and a woman in a pale blue dress. And secondly, they themselves allegedly went into a pastry shop, where they bought a cake and several pies, paying with a one-pound bill. According to my mother, they only had 8 shillings 6 pence with them. Portraits of Jane, Arna and Grant were printed in all Australian newspapers, hundreds of calls were made to the police, but the children were never found. Their parents passed away in the dark when they were already in their 90s. Jim and Nancy waited a long time, but they did not wait.
Ashley Freeman and Loria Bible: Murder Suspects
16-year-old girls became victims of three maniacs
Two girls from Vinita, Oklahoma, disappeared in 1999, on Ashley’s 16th birthday. The Freeman family lived in the trailer, Loria came to visit her friend that day and stayed overnight. Towards morning, the rescue service received a phone call: a driver passing along the highway saw fire and smoke from afar. When the police arrived at the Freemanov van, and then Loria’s parents, it had already burned out. First, the body of Katie, Ashley’s mother, was found. It turned out that she had died before the start of the fire, she was shot in the head. Investigators speculated that Danny Freeman killed his wife, set fire to the trailer, and fled, kidnapping the girls. But then his remains were also found: the head of the family was also shot. What happened to Keti and Loria? Nobody knows this until now. Did you kill your parents and run away? One could hardly expect such a cynical reprisal from kind and open teenage girls, moreover, their documents, money and all things remained in place. Were killed along with the older Freemans? Then where are their bodies? At various times, the police dealt with several maniacs who attributed this terrible murder to themselves, but none of them was able to show where they hid the girls.
Only in April of this year, almost 20 years after the disappearance of Ashley and Loria, a certain Ronnie Dean Busik was arrested. He was charged with the murder of the Freeman family, arson, kidnapping, and then the murder of girls. The proof was Polaroid photographs, where Busik was captured next to his victims. The killer was not alone, with two accomplices. But they did not live to be arrested. The bodies of the girls have not yet been found.
Ayana Vinokurova and Alina Ivanova: walked in the courtyard of their grandmother
Ayana and Alina disappeared in June 2013, and the secret of their disappearance has not yet been solved. Two four-year-old girls stayed with their grandparents in the small Yakut village of Sinsk. Both of them played in the Ivanovs’ yard, grandfather looked after the little ones. Going to work at 8 o’clock in the evening, he called his wife and warned that he was leaving. Grandmother hurried home. She entered the courtyard 15 minutes after the call, but neither her granddaughter nor her girlfriend was there. The village head gathered a search group, more than 100 volunteers, rescuers who arrived from Yakutsk, police officers, and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were looking for the missing children. Even helicopters, drones, river vessels and a group of divers were connected, and the head of the republic took the matter under his personal control, promising a million rubles for information that would help in the search. But there was no information.
Investigators interrogated more than 2 thousand people, conducted dozens of examinations, but did not achieve a result. One of the witnesses, Vasily Latyshev, at some point turned out to be the main suspect: he was later found hanged in his own barn with a knife wound to the heart, but the guilt was never confirmed. Then sensational information appeared that the girls were accidentally hit by a car by Alina’s grandfather and, frightened, buried the bodies. But the “confessionary” himself then withdrew from his testimony, stating that the “confession” had been forced out. This was confirmed by photographs of a man with bruises and abrasions. Desperate, the relatives of the disappeared babies even decided to turn to the “Battle of Psychics”, but television magicians and sorcerers could not shed light on the real events of five years ago.