Myositis of the neck (cervical myositis)

Myositis of the neck – This is an acute inflammatory process in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. The disease is polyetiological, that is, it can occur as a result of many factors. The lack of treatment of acute inflammation of the cervical muscles leads to a chronic process with periods of remission and exacerbation.

According to statistics, cervical myositis is the most common type of all myositis available. The disease has no gender or age restrictions and can occur in any person.

Symptoms of cervical myositis

Myositis of the neck (cervical myositis)

Acute cervical myositis develops quickly, several hours after the end of exposure to the provoking factor. Less often, the inflammation process develops after a few days. This feature allows you to distinguish cervical myositis from osteochondrosis and sciatica, in which pain occurs during severe physical exertion.

Symptoms of cervical myositis can be distinguished as follows:

  • Pain. The nature of the pain is intense, with a gradual increase. The pains become especially pronounced when moving the neck (during turns, while tilting the head), while probing the inflamed muscle and neighboring areas. Therefore, a person spares the neck as much as possible, trying to limit any impact on it. The pain radiates to the shoulder girdle, sometimes spreading to the entire arm, to the back of the head, to the muscles of the face, to the ears, to the interscapular region. Often the pain occurs on only one side of the neck.

  • Muscle tension neck and shoulder girdle. Stiffness of movements in the joints is possible (with an extensive inflammatory process).

  • The muscle swells, which contributes to the formation of swelling in the affected area.

  • If the patient suffers from purulent myositis, then hyperemia of the skin is observed, the pain becomes more intense, the body temperature rises. Often, purulent myositis is accompanied by a feverish state with headaches and general symptoms of intoxication.

  • Headache is a frequent companion of non-purulent cervical myositis. It occurs in the back of the head, can pulsate in the temporal zone. The chewing muscles tense up, holding down the movements of the jaw. Sometimes the patient even eating for this reason is difficult.

  • Symptoms of chronic myositis are pains that tend to intensify at night. Often the affected muscle reacts with pain to changing weather conditions. With a long course of the disease, atrophy of the cervical muscles increases.

  • Cough, shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing – symptoms of a severe stage of cervical myositis. In this case, the inflammation spreads to the neighboring healthy muscles of the esophagus, throat and larynx, disrupting their functioning. In rare, advanced cases, cervical myositis can lead to suffocation.

  • Dermatomyositis of the cervical region is accompanied by the appearance of rashes, it is possible to involve other muscle groups, internal organs in the process. The skin is covered with a small purple rash, often there is swelling of the lips and eyelids.

  • Parasitic myositis, affecting the cervical muscles, leads to the fact that a person has an increase in local and general body temperature. Pain occurs in the neck, in the muscles of the shoulder and chest girdle, intensifying as the reproduction and growth of microorganisms – trichinella and cysticerci.

If the disease has a mild course, then after a few days it self-destructs. However, under the influence of provocative factors, a recurrence of cervical myositis is not excluded.

Causes of cervical myositis

The causes of cervical myositis are diverse, among them are injuries, diseases, toxic effects:

  • Transferred infectious diseases. Often, cervical myositis develops after SARS, tonsillitis, tonsillitis. Inflammation of the muscle can be the result of chronic rheumatism. The cause of post-infectious cervical myositis is a violation in the functioning of the immune forces.

  • Specific working conditions often lead to the development of the disease. So, pianists, violinists, office workers are prone to inflammation of the neck and shoulder muscles. It is these people who are forced to spend several hours a day in an uncomfortable monotonous position.

  • Any injury to the cervical spine can provoke myositis. It can be both direct blows and fractures of the upper limbs, muscle strain.

  • It has been proven that the development of myositis can be influenced by prolonged stress.

  • Often the disease develops due to hypothermia.

  • parasitic infestations. In this case, cervical myositis will be of a toxic-allergic nature.

  • Diseases of the joints. Hernia of the spine, osteochondrosis, arthrosis – all these diseases of the musculoskeletal system lead to the fact that a person intuitively takes the position that seems most comfortable to him. However, the forced position of the body does not always have a good effect on the condition of the muscles. If they are in an anatomically incorrect position for a long time, this will lead to their stretching and inflammation.

  • Intoxication of the body, which occurs as a result of poisoning with various substances, including alcohol, cocaine or drugs, often causes cervical myositis. This condition is exacerbated by existing metabolic disorders, diabetes, gout.

A combination of several factors leads to the fact that cervical myositis is more likely to occur, for example, if a person has been exposed to hypothermia after a viral infection. In adolescence, myositis often occurs as a result of excessive physical exertion during training, against the background of emotional stress, during the examination period.

Different types of cervical myositis will have different causes:

  • Purulent cervical myositis occurs due to the entry of staphylococci, streptococci or other types of bacteria into an open wound. A similar situation can occur with neck injuries or during surgical interventions on the cervical regions.

  • Infectious cervical myositis often occurs during the acute stage of an infectious or other disease or after SARS, rheumatism, lupus erythematosus.

  • Neuromyositisin addition to the cervical muscles, it affects peripheral nerve fibers, leading to their dystrophic changes. The cause of the disease lies in the whole complex of influences: physical overwork should be combined with hypothermia of the already inflamed zone. Also, this type of disease can be systemic in nature, that is, it can occur due to disturbances in the functioning of the immune system.

  • Myositis ossificans The cervical region can be congenital in nature, or it can occur due to injuries, infections, diseases of the internal organs.

  • Dermatomyositis can develop due to hormonal disorders in the body, can be inherited, can be viral and autoimmune in nature.

A neurologist will help determine the type of disease and clarify the cause of cervical myositis.

Treatment of neck myositis

Treatment for myositis of the neck depends on the underlying cause of the disease. But in any case, therapy requires an integrated approach with a combination of medication and physiotherapy methods.

Taking medicines

To relieve inflammation and reduce pain, it is possible to prescribe NSAIDs and analgesics. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed for a time until the inflammation is eliminated.

If the disease is systemic, then the doctor may recommend taking immunosuppressive drugs. They have a depressing effect on the immune system and contribute to the rapid removal of inflammation. However, these drugs have a large number of contraindications and side effects dangerous to health, so only a specialist can prescribe them.

For the treatment of purulent myositis, antibacterial and antipyretic agents are prescribed. Local warming ointments in this case are contraindicated, since their use will contribute to the progression of the disease. Assign antibacterial drugs of the penicillin series, drugs from the group of cephalosporins, macrolides.

Ointments for the treatment of cervical myositis

In the absence of contraindications, it is possible to apply warming ointments to the affected area. It improves blood flow and helps relieve pain.

Local treatment with ointments has a pronounced effect on inflammation caused by hypothermia and muscle tension.

Diet for cervical myositis

During an exacerbation of the disease, fried, spicy, salty dishes should be excluded from the menu. The more foods rich in coarse dietary fiber and fiber in the human diet, the faster toxins will be removed from the body.

In addition, it is necessary to observe an adequate drinking regimen, especially against the background of elevated body temperature. To prevent exacerbations, the amount of fluid you drink should not be less than two liters. Rosehip decoction allows to remove tissue edema.

There is evidence that regular intake of fatty polyunsaturated acids is a prevention of the development of inflammation in the muscles. Therefore, fatty fish varieties should be included in the weekly menu: salmon, salmon, herring, blue whiting, tuna, chum salmon, etc.

Physical exercises for cervical myositis

The selection of the treatment complex is carried out on an individual basis, since the age of the patient, the cause of the development of inflammation and the degree of its severity are important.

However, general recommendations boil down to the following:

  • Physical activity should not cause discomfort in the affected area, for which the diseased muscle should be given maximum attention. Exercise must be interspersed with rest.

  • It is important to monitor your posture, and if there are problems, contact a specialist to correct them.

  • They allow you to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck, increase their tone, and relieve the stress of exercising in the pool. Water aerobics has practically no contraindications, it is suitable for the prevention and treatment of myositis in both adults and children. In addition to swimming, gymnastics and cycling are useful.

It is good if the exercises are performed under the supervision of a specialist.

Massage for cervical myositis

Massage of the cervical-collar zone for the treatment of myositis plays a significant role. With the right approach, visiting the massage therapist’s office allows you to relieve inflammation, get rid of congestion, and reduce pain. A combination of reflexology and massage has proven itself well.

As for the prognosis for recovery, it is most often favorable if cervical myositis manifested due to hypothermia, overexertion. Systemic varieties of the disease are less amenable to therapy, however, compliance with medical recommendations allows you to contain the disease for a long time and maintain working capacity.

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