Myopia of the eye

What is myopia?

Myopia of the eye

Myopia is a condition characterized by abnormal refraction of the eye. The main optical focus is located between the lens and the retina of the organ of vision. Due to this, a person begins to see objects located far away worse. This pathology has a synonym – myopia, since a person with myopia sees close objects much better.

The vision of a person with myopia differs from the vision of a healthy person due to the fact that the light that enters the eye after it is refracted by the lens is not projected onto the retina, but in front of it. Due to the fact that the focal point is in front of the retina, the eye is not able to see objects that are far away. The image is blurry. However, close objects are clearly visible to him. Although if myopia progresses, then near vision begins to be disturbed. It is this type that leads to serious complications and often becomes the reason that a person gets a disability. But myopia may not be progressive, this leads to the fact that vision is impaired only when looking into the distance. Then the person does not need treatment, and the correction gives good results.

Symptoms of myopia

The main symptom of the disease is the difficulty in perceiving and distinguishing objects located far from the person.

However, there are also other signs that help to suspect myopia, these are:

  • Constant squinting of the eyes, covering the eyelids with the hands, while trying to peer into the distance.

  • Weakness of the visual apparatus at night, which is characterized by deterioration of vision in the evening hours. Violation of twilight vision, this is how ophthalmologists characterize this symptom.

  • Expansion of the palpebral fissure and mild bulging.

  • Bluish tinge of the sclera of the eye.

  • The appearance of flies, flashes and threads before the eyes.

  • Rapid fatigue of the organ of vision, even after a short work.

  • Constant eye strain, persistent feeling of fatigue. 

  • The presence of headaches and eye pain.

  • The close location of books and other objects in front of the eyes.

  • Constant desire to rub the eyes.

If one of these symptoms is detected or if they are complex manifestations, it is imperative to visit an ophthalmologist and check the organs of vision for the development of myopia. It is especially important to monitor growing children, as they often perceive signs of visual impairment as a common occurrence and do not complain to their parents about this problem. While timely treatment can stop the development of the disease and prevent it from progressing.

Another insidious property of myopia is that it may not manifest itself for a long time period. That is why preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist are so important.

Reasons for the development of myopia

Myopia of the eye

Among the reasons leading to the development of the disease, the following can be distinguished:

  • Myopia, inherited. If one or both parents had myopia, then it is likely that the disease will manifest itself in their children. Moreover, the risk of myopia is extremely high and amounts to 50%, if both mother and father are sick. If only one parent is sick, then this figure is slightly reduced and amounts to 24%. When both parents are healthy, myopia in a child occurs only in 8% of cases.

  • An unbalanced diet, which leads to the fact that the body’s reserves of important elements and vitamins are depleted. In particular, this applies to magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper.

  • Excessive load on the organ of vision. Overwork leads to the fact that the mucous membranes of the eye begin to dry out, and the muscles that support it begin to degrade.

  • Lack of proper physical activity on the body, prolonged sitting, a sedentary lifestyle in general.

  • Lack of proper reading and writing skills. These include: non-observance of the distance between the object to which the vision is directed, long-term work without short breaks, illiterate lighting, improper landing, reading in a moving vehicle. Therefore, both school and professional myopia are so often observed, which form and progress very quickly.

  • Diseases of the organs of vision, such as strabismus, keratoconus, amblyopia, keratoglobus and astigmatism.

  • Increased intracranial pressure.

  • Hormonal disruptions in the body.

  • False myopia caused by a spasm of accommodation and overload of its muscles often subsequently leads to the development of true myopia.

  • Transferred viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

  • Birth trauma.

  • Postponed traumatic brain injury.

  • Poisoning of the body and injuries received during childbirth.

  • Lack of correction or its illiterate conduct in case of previously diagnosed myopia.

However, despite such an abundance of causes, the main factor influencing the formation of this pathology of vision remains heredity. Therefore, if there is such a risk, the child should be under the control of an ophthalmologist, since other factors are provocative causes.

Degrees of myopia

There are three degrees of myopia, each with its own characteristics:

  1. K 1 (weak) degree refers to myopia, in which the distance of the focus from the retina is no more than 3 diopters. The prognosis for recovery with this degree of myopia is favorable, but corrective treatment is required. For this, a person is shown wearing either contact lenses or custom-made glasses. Often a person does not notice that he develops myopia of this degree, since he does not experience pronounced discomfort.

  2. Myopia 2 (medium) degree characterizes the distance of focus removal from the retina, starting from 3 diopters and ending with 6. At the same time, it is necessary for a person to wear glasses, since it becomes impossible to consider an object at a long distance. In addition, additional symptoms join, for example, pain in the eyes, their increased fatigue, and others that cause a feeling of discomfort and affect the quality of life. Glasses for the correction of this degree of myopia must be bifocal, that is, have combined lenses. At the top, it is stronger and helps to see objects that are at a distance. If a person is diagnosed with moderate myopia, he needs to avoid excessive physical exertion, be selective when playing sports. Young people will have to refuse to serve in the army, as they are recognized as limited fit.

  3. Myopia 3 (high) degree characterized by the removal of focus from the retina at a distance of more than 6 diopters. This condition requires mandatory maintenance therapy and vision correction. Often such myopia is congenital rather than acquired. If there is a predisposition to the progression of the disease, then the person receives a certain degree of visual disability. Astigmatism is often observed in children suffering from congenital myopia. This degree of the disease often leads to complications, which are expressed in the pathologies of the vessels of the eyeball due to its extension. In this case, the vessels break, hemorrhages form, retinal dystrophy begins to develop, the lens becomes cloudy. The most serious complication is retinal detachment and complete loss of vision.

    As for the restrictions for people with high myopia, there are an impressive number of them. First of all, it is a restriction of physical activity, weight lifting, a ban on many sports. You should not dive and dive into the water, jump into it from a height, as already damaged vessels may not withstand sudden pressure drops. Before deciding to have a child, a woman with high myopia should consult a doctor. Since during childbirth there is a risk that detachment of the retina of the eye will occur and complete loss of vision will occur. However, the level of risk, the presence of other indications and contraindications is determined in each case individually.

Myopia treatment

Myopia of the eye

There are several ways to help correct and restore vision in myopia:

  • Drug treatment. It is carried out in courses and is recommended for every patient with myopia. It is necessary to take calcium supplements, tissue therapy, for example, the introduction of aloe intramuscularly, the use of B vitamins. Drugs that improve cerebral circulation are used. These are drugs such as Piracetam, Pentoxifylline. Physiotherapy courses help stop the progression of the disease.

  • Correction of myopia with glasses and lenses. The strength of the lenses is selected in each case individually, glasses are made to order. What to choose – contact lenses or glasses, depends on the preferences of the patient.

  • Hardware treatment. For its passage, such devices are used as: accomodation trainer, laser, with stimulation of the organ of vision, etc. Color-pulse treatment is also used.

  • Surgery unequivocally indicated in the progression of the disease. Its goal is to stop the development of the pathological process and preserve human vision. If myopia has reached a high degree, the patient’s eye lens is changed to an artificial lens.

  • Laser correction of myopia. However, this procedure has contraindications, in particular: age restrictions (up to 18 years), progression of the disease, cataracts, glaucoma, absence of a second eye, any inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision, etc. Myopia is corrected by changing the shape of the cornea, there are several ways to achieve the goal, however the essence does not change.

  • Keratoplasty – Another modern method is changing the shape of the cornea, for the treatment of myopia. In this case, a transplant is transplanted into the eye, which is located either in the cornea or under it.

Myopia prevention

It has been established that recently myopia is increasingly occurring in childhood. Therefore, it is so important to start the prevention of this disease from an early age.

There are several ways to prevent it:

  • Maintaining a distance of 40 cm from the reading object. This will allow you to strain your eyes less, reduce the effort applied to focus the ciliary muscle.

  • Compliance with breaks in visual work. Do not strain your eyes for more than 40 minutes, and the break should not be less than 10 minutes.

  • Proper lighting is another measure for the prevention of myopia. Natural sunlight is considered optimal for work. If it is not enough, then you should definitely use artificial lamps. However, the light should not blind.

  • It is important to follow the correct fit while working at a computer or studying. The back should not be arched, the head should be straight, under the ban on reading in bed and in moving vehicles.

  • Equally important is regular exercise for the eyes and good nutrition.

  • Regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist should become a habit, especially if a person is at risk of developing myopia. Clinical examination in the clinic at the place of residence is an excellent way to prevent many diseases, including myopia.

  • It is important to protect your eyes from exposure to ultraviolet light. It can harm the organs of vision no less than insufficient lighting. The pupil in bright light narrows and is in constant tension, which can lead to the development of myopia. That’s why it’s so important to wear sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats.

  • Vision correction in mild myopia. You should not refuse to wear glasses or lenses, even if a person does not feel symptoms of the disease.

Preventive and therapeutic measures, started at an early age, will help preserve vision and prevent the development of myopia.

Author of the article: Degtyareva Marina Vitalievna, ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist

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