Myopia 2 moderate

Myopia 2 moderate

Myopia 2 moderate is a violation of the focus of the rays of light from the object under consideration not on the retina, but in front of it at a distance of 3 to 6 diopters. Moderate myopia causes pronounced changes in the fundus and requires immediate treatment. A person diagnosed with moderate myopia will not be able to do without glasses.

Myopia is a common disease and in Asian countries it affects up to 70% of the population. As for Europe, this figure varies from 25 to 30%. The share of people with myopia from 3 to 6 diopters accounts for an average of 14% of people from the total mass of patients suffering from myopia.

Symptoms of myopia 2 degrees

The main symptom of myopia of the 2nd degree is a violation of the vision of distant objects, however, this distance is increasingly reduced, depending on the progression of the disease. So, a person with a myopia of 5 diopters will have a hard time seeing objects located only 25 cm from him.

Among other signs of myopia of the 2nd degree, the following can be distinguished:

  • Squinting eyes when trying to see an object.

  • Rapid fatigue of the organs of vision.

  • Deterioration of twilight vision.

  • Pain and ache in the eyes, headaches.

  • A little puffiness.

  • The appearance of light flashes before the eyes.

  • Violation of the blood supply to the retina, up to its detachment.

  • Increased fragility of blood vessels and hemorrhage.

On examination, an ophthalmologist can identify the initial signs of dystrophic changes, narrowing of the vessels of the retina, changes in the macular area. If there are symptoms of myopia of the second degree, a person is shown some restrictions. It is worth being more selective when playing sports, since high physical activity is contraindicated for a patient with these ophthalmic problems. In addition, young people who have reached military age are not taken to serve in the army, recognizing them as limited fit.

As for women, in some cases they are recommended to refuse natural childbirth. Priority is caesarean section. However, moderate myopia is not always a limitation to natural childbirth. It all depends on the state of the retina, the type of myopia (progressive or non-progressive), on the presence of abnormalities in the fundus and other indicators.

Causes of myopia 2 degrees

The cause of the development of moderate myopia is most often the transmission of the disease by inheritance. Children whose parents suffer from a similar problem in 50% of cases will also be subject to myopia.

However, myopia can be acquired and develop against the background of the fact that:

  • A person experiences regular high eye strain.

  • Mild myopia was not corrected in time or the treatment was incorrect.

  • Any circulatory disorders inside the eyeball can lead to the development of myopia of the 2nd degree.

  • Premature birth and birth trauma.

  • Craniocerebral injury.

  • Diabetes.

  • Spasm of accommodation, left unattended by a person.

  • Ophthalmic pathologies such as: strabismus, astigmatism, amblyopia, keratoglobus, keratotonus.

  • Infectious diseases, disruptions in the hormonal sphere.

  • Irrational nutrition, deficiency of vitamins and microelements.

Treatment of myopia 2 degrees

Myopia 2 moderate

Treatment of myopia of the 2nd degree is impossible without regular visits to the ophthalmologist.

After the diagnosis, the doctor will select an individual method of vision correction:

  • Glasses. Most often, glasses are used for this, in some cases contact lenses are used. It is better if the glasses are bifocal, that is, having combined lenses. At the same time, the upper part is given under stronger lenses, which allow you to view objects located far away. The lower half is designed for weaker lenses that allow you to read and write.

  • laser correction. Laser correction can help, which is carried out in the case of non-progressive myopia and after the patient reaches 18 years of age. Laser correction is aimed at changing the shape of the cornea, due to which the focus is projected to the right place, namely the retina.

  • Other methods. As for therapeutic methods, such as drug treatment, eye gymnastics, physiotherapy, they are all aimed at maintaining vision at the same level. These methods are not able to save a person from moderate myopia, they can only prevent further progression of the disease.

  • Vitamins. Doctors often prescribe vitamins B and C, as well as nootropic drugs such as Panotogam and Piracetam. To relieve spasm of accommodation, mydriatics are used – Mezaton and Irifrin.

  • Operative treatment. If during routine examinations it is revealed that a person’s vision is reduced by 1 or more diopters per year, then this indicates a progressive form of the disease. When conservative methods are not able to stop this process, one has to resort to surgical treatment. Most often, in this case, the method of scleroplasty is used, which is designed to strengthen the sclera of the eye and stop the progression of the disease.

Myopia prevention

As preventive measures designed to prevent the development of myopia and the progression of an existing disease, doctors recommend:

  • Eat right and balanced.

  • Properly organize your workspace.

  • Use eyeglasses and lenses for vision correction, in accordance with doctor’s prescriptions.

  • Observe visual mode.

  • Perform a set of gymnastic exercises for the eyes, designed to strengthen their muscles and relieve tension.

  • Avoid increased physical activity.

  • Use goggles to protect your eyes from the sun.

It is important not to forget to regularly visit an ophthalmologist and follow his recommendations regarding preventive and therapeutic measures. If the myopia is stationary, then the prognosis is usually favorable and the person manages to maintain a relatively high visual acuity.

Author of the article: Degtyareva Marina Vitalievna, ophthalmologist, ophthalmologist

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