Myopathy in adults
A person with myopathy feels muscle weakness. It occurs in the arms and thighs. The patient has difficulty climbing stairs, getting out of bed or a chair. We will tell you what myopathy is, how to treat it, what types there are

What is myopathy

Myopathy is a series of symptoms that occur due to muscle damage. In short, myopathy is a muscle pathology. It can be in children as a hereditary disease and in adults.

Causes of myopathy in adults

– If myopathy manifested itself in childhood, this is 100% genetics, the problem is with the genes. For example, both parents at once or one had a gene mutation, and this was passed on to the child. The stronger the mutation, the worse it is, the earlier myopathy will manifest itself in children. It happens that children do not live up to a year or two years. But sometimes it happens that hereditary forms develop at a later age, says neurologist Gulnara Akhmadeeva. Myopathy in adults has several causes. This includes hormonal imbalances, an excess of thyroid hormones, connective tissue diseases, and even excessive alcohol consumption when referring to alcoholic myopathy.

Symptoms of myopathy in adults

The doctor highlights several symptoms:

  • muscle weakness is the most important and pronounced symptom, the muscles become lethargic, weak;
  • an increase in muscle size – this occurs due to a decrease in muscle tissue and replacement with fat;
  • an increase in some abdominal organs, which can be seen during ultrasound diagnostics.

– If myopathy manifested itself in childhood, then this leads to the fact that it is difficult for the child to get up and walk. For adults, everything is the same – it is difficult for them to do the usual things, for example, walk in heels, climb stairs, stand up or sit on a chair, armchair. Myopathy usually begins in the legs, and then muscle weakness progresses in both children and adults, explains Dr. Akhmadeeva.

Types of myopathy in adults

There are several types of myopathies:

  • thyroid;
  • steroid – it occurs due to inadequate intake of drugs in large dosages;
  • inflammatory;
  • metabolic – when the muscles are affected due to a metabolic disorder (almost always this happens due to glycogen disorders, for example, Pompe disease, a rare hereditary disease with an autosomal recessive mechanism, can be here);
  • alcoholic – manifests itself due to the direct toxic effect of alcohol on the muscles, as a result of which they are destroyed (in most cases, the toxic effect of alcohol manifests itself against the background of malnutrition, this usually occurs in chronic alcoholics, against the background of heavy drinking – in this case, problems with the hands occur more often, and also develops renal failure).
  • inflammatory – it occurs most often, it is a heterogeneous group of diseases in which muscle weakness is accompanied by inflammatory muscle damage (the simplest disease in this case is myositis, which occurs after infectious and viral pathologies, for example, after influenza.

“In inflammatory myopathy, weakness in the shoulders, hip joints is noted more often than in the hands,” says neurologist Gulnara Akhmadeeva. – In addition to weakness, there is also pain in the muscles. Usually this all goes away within 5 – 7 days, and nothing needs to be done. Inflammatory myopathy includes dermatopolymyositis and polymyositis. Most often, rheumatologists are involved in the treatment of these diseases, because in addition to weakness, patients still have a fever, rash.

Treatment of myopathy in adults

– If myopathy began in childhood, that is, a hereditary factor plays a role, then the treatment is very, very limited. There is no etiological therapy as such. The main task in the treatment of hereditary myopathies is to maintain human activity. These include physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, passive, active movements, orthopedic support, correction of existing deficits, the doctor explains.

As for nutrition, you need to eat more food enriched with protein in order to restore muscle volume, muscle tissue.

If we talk about drug treatment, then energy-type correctors are prescribed here, but their effectiveness has not been proven. Also, research is being carried out all over the world, a new drug has been released, it is on everyone’s lips – Spinraza. The drug removes the mutated gene. The sooner this happens, the better. It also treats type 1 SMA.

Alcoholic myopathy is treated with total abstinence from alcohol, but in most cases it resolves on its own. It can also be cured by replenishing potassium and vitamin B12.

Inflammatory disease is almost always treated with hormones, Prednisolone or Dexamethasone is prescribed in a good dose. Only a doctor prescribes medicines.


In adulthood, it is difficult to detect the disease; doctors may not immediately suspect a hereditary disease.

The diagnosis in most cases is established on the basis of ENMG (electroneuromyography). It is also possible to take a biopsy of the muscle and see that the dimensions of the fibers change. Muscle fibers become smaller, they slowly degenerate. A biopsy will show that there is a replacement of muscle tissue with adipose tissue. Innervation also decreases – the supply of organs and tissues with nerves, which ensures their connection with the central nervous system (CNS).

You cannot get rid of myopathy on your own. If a person feels progressive weakness in his hands for a week, month, six months, you need to see a doctor. The sooner treatment begins, the better the prognosis.

Modern treatments

Myopathy in the modern world is treated with hormone therapy. Depending on the type of myopathy, the doctor will prescribe thyroid or steroid hormones. Treatment is selected strictly individually. To do this, you need to consult a neurologist.

Prevention of myopathy in adults at home

“There is no prevention of myopathies,” the doctor notes.

If you suspect a disease, you should consult a doctor – it is important to start treatment as soon as possible, in this case the prognosis is favorable.

Popular questions and answers

Also answered popular questions from readers about myopathy neurologist Gulnara Akhmadeeva.

What are the consequences of myopathy?

The most likely outcome is remaining weakness for life.

When to call a doctor at home for myopathy?

If the patient is already lying down and cannot get up, then he will be hospitalized by an ambulance, because an ambulance doctor cannot cure this at home.

If a person walks, but he has been worried about muscle weakness for a long time, then it’s time to go to the doctor yourself. It will be necessary to go through the whole range of examinations in the hospital – ENMG, CPK, possibly an ultrasound scan to look at the abdominal organs in order to exclude their changes. The hospital will conduct a comprehensive examination.

Is it possible to cure myopathy with folk remedies?

This is not a disease that can be treated at home, on its own, therefore, of course, folk remedies cannot be cured either.

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