
A beautiful, self-confident woman cannot be called … an aunt. The aunt is a female creature who waved her hand at herself. But we are not like that? What is she, aunt, and how to exterminate unattractive qualities in herself, learned Woman’s Day.

Residents of Chelyabinsk of different ages and status reflected on the topic “What is she, aunt?” Psychologists Ekaterina Rasovskaya и Arina Yarovaya studied opinions and figured out what to do in order not to turn into a woman tired of life.

An aunt is a woman whose nature is female, presented in a pure, unclouded form – neither upbringing, nor education, and if there is, then nominal. The aunt is rude and familiar, she has no doubts that she is right. Such people often sit in HR departments. Dostoevsky’s work is well described in “Possessed”: they put her at the station to sell tickets for three kopecks, so she immediately believes that she is in control of everyone.Natalia, 41 years old, university teacher

During perestroika, many made good money by trading in the market, but the money did not make them smarter, spiritually richer. The aunt is the one from which “the village cannot be taken out.”Larisa, 44 years old, housewife

Careless, unattractive, unkempt. Rude and unpleasant in communication.Daria, 13 years old, schoolgirl

An aunt is something ugly, and it doesn’t depend on age. Careless in everything – in clothes, appearance, statements. This word evokes associations with a bazaar woman – impudent, categorical.Alexandra, 28 years old, coach

Fat, angry, grumpy aunts do not like people. Harmful and nasty. Women are those who respect themselves, and aunts are not self-respecting boors. They are not inferior to anyone. We jumped into the bus – they were the first to sit right away, they didn’t even look around – maybe who needs more. Bazaars, they shout.Lyudmila Nikolaevna, 65 years old, pensioner working in the wardrobe

This is something scandalous. There is a impudence in it, it pokes everywhere. Outwardly, she is unkempt – not very well-combed, not very much made up, unfashionably dressed.Ksenia, 30 years old, presenter

The aunt is a neglected woman, unkempt – does not look after herself: does not go to the beautician, does not do a manicure, does not give herself sports physical activity. It does not depend on age – and at 30 there are aunts. The deprived.Veronica, 42 years old, administrator

Wallets. Aunts are always preoccupied with finding where it is cheaper, who has a better man, who has a cooler car. Aunts are found in different strata of society, they have no style, thoughtfulness in their image, in clothes. It happens that the eyebrows are full, and the forehead is in Botox, and in the eyes – … melancholy.Olga, 47 years old, beautician

Tasteless.Tatiana, 30 years old, cosmetologist

No glitter in the eyes. Envious, gossip, outwardly unkempt. Insecure, depressed. Low self-esteem. And others are rated low. It has nothing to do with age – and at the age of 60, there are well-groomed women whose language will not turn to call them aunts.Lyubov, 24 years old, administrator of the image club

Heavy, desperate, imposing her opinion, domineering, not flexible – both psychologically and physically. The aunt does not strive for new things, mossiness is a characteristic feature. It’s not about age. My 81-year-old grandmother does not take old women as her friends; she calls her girlfriends “girls”. By the way, a teenager may show the features of an aunt – nothing is interesting, they are closed for the new.Alesya, 33 years old, entrepreneur

These are people who behave like men – manners, gait, conversation, nothing feminine. What is outwardly? Wears no skirts or dresses. What besides work? Sits at home in front of the TV.Katerina, 32, director of a pet store

She is with string bags, in a dark raincoat, full, no hairstyle, makeup is so-so, manicure is even worse. She’s always like that, all her life – home from work. Unhappy with life, fussy. In the queue, the very first ones climb, unceremonious, pushing everyone away.Julia, 33 years old, manager

This is the one who goes to the store in slippers, a robe and curlers. The aunt thinks that it will do. Life has beaten her, she must be tired. Unsatisfied. But she has no desire to improve herself – neither externally nor internally. I put a point. I have everything – a family, a job. Dot.Tatyana, 21 years old, brand manager

An aunt is a woman who is very tired of life. This can happen at any age. She would shake herself up, please herself with something, buy a new thing, take care of herself – change her hairstyle, hair color – be reflected in a different way in the mirror and like herself. Don’t just live the life of your children. The aunt is old age in her soul, as if she has seen everything, and nothing else is interesting.Elena, 43 years old, designer

So what to do – or not to do – so as not to turn into an aunt? Read the advice of psychologists.

Tonus and dignity

“All twists and turns, and went to work!” Everyone remembers this famous scene from “Office Romance”, when the secretary taught her boss, “mymra”, the correct gait. The way we stand, sit and walk shows others how we feel. A bent back, a lowered chin and tight shoulders – and now we are no longer a young woman with an elegant handbag, but an aunt with a string bag full of heavy bricks. No clothes will hide bad posture, in this case even heels, which are often considered a panacea for a crooked back, will not help. But not only gymnastics and the gym will come to your rescue – self-confidence and inner core will help you straighten your shoulders.


A distinctive feature of the aunt’s speech is rudeness, loudness and hysteria. Of course, there are situations in life when you can’t just keep silent. A real lady even has insults – graceful and more like compliments. How can this be achieved? Do not stoop to the level of the interlocutor and do not turn into a bazaar grandmother.

Femininity and elegance – in the details

Any woman at heart is a little girl. In order not to turn into an aunt, this girl needs to be pampered: buy her new outfits and toys. An adult woman’s toys are, of course, accessories. And it’s not just about diamonds. Fun little things like a new iPhone case – and the iPhone itself, of course – an elegant clutch, gloves, scarves, handkerchiefs, graceful hats and umbrellas help to express your individuality. But in everything, of course, you need taste. A string bag, galoshes and grandma’s old kandibober are not accessories.


The next rule is not to overdo it. Accessories are, of course, good. But aunts are lovers of putting on all their goods at once. And there must be a lot of it! In addition to rhinestones on clothes, cheap rough jewelry, aunts like to put all their makeup on their face at once, and sometimes they pile such things on their heads … In general, in the pursuit of beauty, do not turn into a flower bed covered with plaster.


The “aunt” never doubts that her taste is impeccable, even if passers-by confuse her with a gypsy. Or, on the contrary, he is so little interested in himself that he no longer remembers the last time he looked in the mirror. A smart woman knows that sometimes it is useful to entrust her appearance to professionals. After all, you will not do the operation on the tonsils yourself, but go to the doctor? May the path from your home to the beautician’s and stylist’s office not overgrow, and may you not be your aunt forever and ever!

Do not be sad

Another distinguishing feature of the aunt is that she constantly complains about life. Of course, fatigue in the eyes and folds in the corners of the lips do not paint anyone. As, however, and conversations, which boil down to constant whining and complaints. The aunt is afraid to notice the good in life, while she relishes the bad with special pleasure. Why? More than anything, she needs confirmation that her friends are as bad as hers: “Yes, my husband drinks too! And the children are Losers too! And in general, everything is bad in the country! ” Well, to cheer, to regret: “Well, nothing, but you and I are the best and most beautiful! It’s just the men around – goats, and the women are fools. ” Remember – the more we think about the bad, the more stress hormones are released in our body. And the more we give those around us a good mood, the more it comes back to us. Share, as they say, your smile!

Time on yourself

At the age of 23–25, many suddenly begin to suffer massively from the syndrome of “aunty”. They suddenly decide that they are already too old for all sorts of “nonsense”: now they have a husband, children, a mortgage and a cat to boot. Even if all this is not – but is about to appear! And they funny, like monkeys, begin to pretend to be “busy”. Presumably, how it will end: “I put my whole life on the family, I was malnourished, clothes in patches – but everything in the family, for beloved children!” Remember: because you washed the floor not three times a week, but two, the world will not collapse. And having freed a couple of extra minutes, you can happily spend them on yourself. The same goes for money.

Like yourself

It has been proven that if you do not love yourself, then no one will love you. But it’s one thing to love, and quite another to show this love for yourself. In everything, you need to see not negative, but positive aspects, including work with oneself. The more often you think about your successes and achievements, the more incentive you have to go further. Do not exhaust yourself with diets, hating extra pounds, but calmly realize that you are refraining from a pie for the sake of lightness and harmony. And not to scold yourself for something that you “messed up” somewhere, but to praise more often.

Stay young

“Aunt” always looks older than her age. And the point is not in appearance – or rather, not only in her. Just everyday life, the endless ring “home – work” make a person predictable and boring. One and the same social circle, the same interests – and at some point a person grows old. This can happen at seventeen. So he lives until old age, forgetting that youth is in the soul.


In order not to grow old with your heart, as they say, you need to constantly change. This does not mean that you have to re-glue the wallpaper and update your entire wardrobe every day. However, a periodic change of image will not hurt. But on the outside, the light did not converge like a wedge. Expand your range of interests: learn languages, take photography, tourism. Another effect of these activities is an expanded social circle.

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