Mycosis of the tongue – the most common causes and characteristic symptoms. What is the treatment of tinea pedis? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Tinea thrush is one type of oral candidiasis that is very difficult to heal completely because it tends to come back. Most often it manifests itself in people who have a compromised immune system. What is the characteristic of athlete’s foot? Can you counteract it using home remedies? We check what the treatment of tongue mycosis looks like.

Mycosis of the tongue and oral candidiasis – with which conditions can it get worse?

Tongue mycosis is one of the most common forms of oral candidiasis caused by Candida albicans. They are noticeable in some people (20-50% of the society) and do not pose a threat. Only when the microbiological balance of the oral cavity is disturbed, they begin to multiply. The characteristic white coating on the tongue appears in such fungal diseases as:

  1. Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis (candidiasis pseudomembranacea acuta) – a white coating resembling sheepskin appears on the tongue. After trying to remove it, vivid red spots are visible on the surface;
  2. Acute atrophic candidiasis (candidiasis acuta atrophica) – erosions appear on the tongue due to the drying of the epithelium, leading also to cracks;
  3. Chronic atrophic candidiasis (candidiasis chronica atrophica) – common among people wearing dentures. The fungi most often attack the hard palate and the red tongue;
  4. Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis (Chronic hyperplastica candidiasis) – white, irregularly shaped discs appear on the tongue, surrounded by erythema. It is very difficult to tear them off the ground;
  5. Rhomboidal glossitis (glossitis rombica mediana) – a white or red oval-shaped spot appears on the tongue, which begins to harden.

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Mycosis of the tongue – the most common causes

The most frequently mentioned causes of tongue mycosis are:

  1. Weakening of the immune system due to an infection (flu or a cold)
  2. chronic diseases (diabetes, AIDS, thyroid diseases, allergies, cancer);
  3. Smoking;
  4. Long-term stress;
  5. Microtrauma (improperly selected prosthesis);
  6. Malnutrition;
  7. Excessive consumption of carbohydrates;
  8. Iron and folic acid deficiencies.

Pregnant women and women entering the menopause period, as well as the elderly (due to reduced immunity and the presence of comorbidities) are also exposed to the development of tinea pedis.

Mycosis of the tongue – characteristic symptoms of infection

Apart from the aforementioned white coating on the tongue, the most characteristic symptoms of Candida albicans infection include:

  1. Thrush (most common in children);
  2. Painful glossitis;
  3. Halitosis (unpleasant odor from the mouth);
  4. Feeling of dry mouth;
  5. Cracking of the corners of the mouth (formation of seizures);
  6. Swallowing problems;
  7. Erythema affects not only the tongue but also the gums.

Tongue mycosis – what is the diagnosis?

The diagnosis of tinea pedis should be based mainly on the assessment of a specialist, in this case a dermatologist, who should examine the inside of the oral cavity to eliminate the causes of candidiasis. Treatment is most often preceded by mycological examinations.

  1. What is the treatment of yeast infection?

Mycosis of the tongue – treatment

Treatment of tinea pedis is extremely important because ignoring the problem can lead to serious problems in the duodenum, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and rectum. During the treatment, drugs are used that are not only to work locally, but above all to eliminate the cause of inflammation in the oral cavity. The most commonly used:

  1. preparations for brushing the oral cavity (preparations with Lugol’s solution or nystatin, gentian violet 1%);
  2. Mouthwash solutions;
  3. Gels and adhesive tablets buccal.

In order to treat seizures, antifungal and steroid ointments are used.

Tongue mycosis and diet

When treating tongue mycosis, diet turns out to be very important, because the consumption of simple sugars (sweets, sweet drinks, chocolate, blue cheese and white flour) favors the multiplication of yeasts. Therefore, patients should introduce a low-carbohydrate menu.

In addition, drinking alcohol should be limited, as well as smoking, which can also promote the development of tinea pedis. Due to the nature of the recurrent disease, it is worth taking supplements, including vitamin complexes. The daily menu should be enriched with products with a lot of fiber.

Tongue mycosis – can you use home remedies during treatment?

Tongue mycosis, as well as other types of candidiasis, should be treated under medical supervision. However, it should be remembered that drinking herbal teas can bring relief due to the antiseptic effect of herbs (e.g. cloves). Proper oral hygiene (brushing your teeth after each meal), as well as the use of herbal rinses (sage or chamomile) are also extremely important.

Worth knowing

The tongue should be cleaned with a scraper, it is also worth using floss to help remove food residues from the interdental spaces.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. What is fungal infection in the body and what are its symptoms?
  2. Antifungal diet – how to help the body fight mycosis?
  3. Home remedies for onychomycosis that speed up the fight against the disease

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