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Tinea pedis is one of the most common diseases characterized by erythematous-exfoliating lesions. This ailment is related to the conditions of modern life and interpersonal contacts. The greatest number of cases of disease is recorded among people who regularly use a shared swimming pool or sauna, and among athletes.
What is athlete’s foot?
Athlete’s foot is one of the most common diseases. It is related to the conditions of modern life and interpersonal contacts. Detection of foot infections is particularly high in the environments of people who share baths and showers in boarding houses, student dormitories, barracks, and camping sites. It is more common in warm and humid climates. It is widespread among athletes and miners. The worst part is that we create ourselves favorable conditions for the development of fungi, for example, wearing closed shoes for many hours and being in places where fungi can easily grow, such as sports clubs.
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The causes of athlete’s foot
Athlete’s foot is considered the most common cause infection with dermatophyte fungithat attack nails or hair:
- red T.
- T. mentagrophytes var. interdigitale,
- E. fl occosum,
- rarely: Hendersonula toruloidea, Scytadium hyalinum.
Mushroom spores can survive for months in footwear, shower cubicles, carpets. We can become infected with fungi as a result of contact with spores in soil, animal hair and human skin. It should be remembered that for the development of mycosis appropriate conditions are needed, it must be warm and humid.
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Predisposing factors are:
- humid environment (e.g. in shoes, especially rubber ones),
- non-compliance with hygiene or excessive hygiene of the feet (e.g. too frequent washing and abrasion of the stratum corneum),
- using someone else’s footwear,
- diabetes,
- wearing windproof shoes (especially on very hot days),
- immune system disorders,
- excessive sweating of the feet,
- old age,
- peripheral circulatory disorders,
- individual predisposition,
- long-term use of local and general antibiotics,
- older age,
- walking barefoot in public places such as swimming pool, sauna, gym, hotel bathrooms,
- taking anti-cancer preparations and preparations that prevent the activity of the immune system,
- an occupation that promotes foot sweating, e.g. miner, uniformed worker, laundry worker,
- loading the lower limbs.
In the case of hyperhidrosis, which may lead to mycosis, it is important to use appropriate cosmetics as soon as disturbing symptoms are noticed. We recommend, for example:
- EPTA DEO sweat-regulating cleansing gel,
- EPTA DEO hyperhidrosis body cream,
- EPTA DEO body spray that eliminates excessive sweating and the unpleasant smell of sweat.
The cream and spray can be purchased on Medonet Market in a special EPTA DEO Hyperhidrosis Body Kit.
DIG. G-26. Exfoliating mycosis of the feet caused by Trichophyton rubrum – a characteristic “moccasin” localization of lesions.
DIG. G-27. Mycosis of the feet.
Mycosis of the feet – symptoms and types of the disease
The lesions are located on the feet, the sole and the interdigital area. The clinical picture varies depending on the type of athlete’s foot. Therefore, we distinguish the following varieties of athlete’s foot:
- interdigital displacement variety (Fig. G-24); lesions are usually located in the interdigital space, between the fourth and fifth fingers. The epidermis attacked by the fungus is moist and wrinkled, additionally there are bubbles. Scaly and growing lesions provoke the development of inflammation, which is characterized by the discharge of purulent contents. Immediate treatment is necessary as the disease may spread to the soles and, eventually, to the toenails;
- exfoliating and keratinizing variety (Fig. G-25 and G-26); characterized by the presence on the sole and lateral areas of the foot – red spots and keratinizing and exfoliating epidermis;
- potnicowa variety (Fig. G-27); there are a large number of small vesicles in the center of which there is serous content. Lesions usually occur in the interdigital space, on the sole and on the heel. In addition, some patients may develop an unpleasant odor, especially if they do not follow basic hygiene rules.
Zabłockie saline soap has antifungal properties for skin problems (dandruff, mycosis, eczema, psoriasis), which can be used both prophylactically and as an adjunct during treatment.
Mycosis of the feet – diagnosis
Symptoms of athlete’s foot may be similar to those of other conditions. Therefore, during the diagnosis, other possible diseases should be excluded. An early diagnosis has a great influence on the effectiveness of treatment. The specialist should specify source of mycosis and how the infection came about (e.g. having a cat, playing sports).
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The preparation lightened with KOH / DMSO enables quick detection of the fungus in the tested fragments of the epidermis, while the culture on Sabouraud’s medium enables identification of the mushroom species.
How to cure mycosis?
It is best to start the fight with athlete’s foot as soon as we notice disturbing symptoms. When attacked quickly, it will die just as quickly. We can get rid of it with topical medications, also without a prescription. Most of the well-diagnosed mycoses of the feet disappear after treatment with modern topical antifungal preparations (imidazole derivatives) within 2-4 weeks of treatment. In the case of long-lasting infections affecting large areas of the skin, oral treatment with azole preparations is recommended.
In most mycoses of the feet, the ointment is sufficient (it should be used at night). First you need to thoroughly wash and dry your feet very carefully, paying close attention to interdigital spaces. It is best to use a paper towel for this purpose, because it is extremely absorbent and it will best collect all the moisture, besides, it is disposable, so you can throw it away after use, thus not exposing the rest of the family to infection. We apply a thin layer of ointment to dry places, and after applying the preparation, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.
Untreated athlete’s foot can infect the nails! Typically, the fungus attacks one nail and stays there, but often spreads to the others. Therefore, starting treatment as soon as possible prevents the spread of mycosis to the remaining nails. However, if we neglect, unfortunately, there may be a need for surgical removal of patients with onychomycosis.
What’s the prognosis?
The infection with athlete’s foot is chronic and recurrent. However, treatment requires regularity and consistency on the part of both the patient and the doctor. Prevention is important.
Home remedies for athlete’s foot
Tea tree oil has a very good fungicidal and bactericidal effect, which should be applied to the infected area 2-3 times a day. WARNING! Pregnant women and children should not use tea oil.
For the care of skin with fungal lesions, you can use the Blue Cap Body Spray for Skin Inflammation, which you can buy at Medonet Market.
Rosemary is also helpful in fighting fungal infections, because its oils inhibit the growth of fungi. In addition, moistening the feet with an infusion made of rosemary soothes persistent itching.
Aloe and live aloe are also fungicidal and bactericidal – feet should be soaked in an infusion made of aloe or viviparous for 10 minutes.
We also recommend Antibacterial bamboo terry socks without pressure with aloe vera, which support the fight against mycosis and effectively prevent it.
Prevention of athlete’s foot
As a precaution, you should:
- use rubber flaps in public showers, swimming pools and saunas,
- dry feet thoroughly after bathing,
- wear clean shoes and socks
- disinfect the bathroom,
- use only your own towel and hygiene accessories, e.g. pumex,
- disinfect the sports locker room and the surroundings of swimming pools,
- avoid long and hot foot baths, which cause the epidermis to lose its protective barrier,
- avoid pedicure facilities that lack basic hygiene rules,
- avoid borrowing shoes or socks from other people,
- change socks every day,
- ventilate and wash shoes (when they are very old, it is best to throw them away),
- avoid direct contact with homeless animals, e.g. with dogs that may be infected with mycosis,
- wear airy footwear (especially on hot days),
- avoid wearing socks made of synthetic material (which trap sweat and encourage the growth of fungi).
Your feet need help? At Medonet Market, you will find an antifungal serum that is used to care for mycosis-prone skin.
DIG. G-24. Toenail and interdigital mycosis caused by Trichophyton mentagrophytes var. interdigitale.
DIG. G-25. Exfoliative mycosis of the feet caused by Trichophyton rubrum.