Mycoplasma pneumoniae – causes, symptoms, treatment of mycoplasmosis

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Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a bacteria that lacks a cell wall and is similar in size to viruses. It is a bacterium that causes pneumonia, among other things, but it can also cause flu symptoms. Mycoplasma is treated with an antibiotic.

What is Mycoplasma pneumoniae?

Mycoplasma is a bacterium that occurs in humans and animals. The most common pathogenic variety in humans is Mycoplasma pneumoniae. It causes infections in the respiratory system. Interestingly, the intensification of infections caused by this bacterium is cyclical, it occurs every 5-8 years, mainly in autumn. In children under 5 years of age Mycoplasma causes infection of the upper respiratory tract and can lead to atypical pneumonia in older children and adults.

Infection with mycoplasm

Until infection Mycoplasma it occurs by direct contact or by droplets. The incubation period for bacteria is 7 to 14 days. It is even possible for an epidemic to occur in a closed environment. During infection Mycoplasma infection with other pathogens may also occur. Mycoplasma It causes very similar inflammatory changes in the respiratory system to those caused by viruses, so it is difficult to recognize an infection with this bacterium.

Symptoms of Mycoplasm infection

The first symptoms of bacterial infection Mycoplasma may resemble symptoms pharyngitis with pain, burning and redness of the mucous membranes. However, there is no runny nose that usually occurs in viral infections. Moreover, the infection gradually spreads to the lower levels of the respiratory system, attacking the larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and finally the lungs. There are also others symptomssuch as a cough with white discharge, a fever or a low-grade fever. The well-being and general condition of the body deteriorate.

It may happen that with M.ycoplasma you get otitis media or sinusitis. Very rarely, arthritis may occur, although the inflammation usually affects one joint and is transient.

As a result of infection with Mycoplasma cardiac pathologies, such as myocarditis and pericarditis, may also develop.

Diagnosis and treatment of mycoplasma

Due to the fact that the disease caused by M. pneumoniae may exhibit symptoms similar to viral infectiontreatment is not always adequately performed immediately. Infections of the upper respiratory tract caused Mycoplasma pneumonie do not require antibacterial treatment. In the treatment of pneumonia caused by this bacterium, antibiotics are used for 14-21 days. If inflammation or another disease entity persists despite pharmacological treatment, additional tests are necessary. In upper respiratory tract infection, an X-ray showing the course of lung involvement may be sufficient, but a blood sample can also be taken for testing and the antibodies against bacteria can be determined M. pneumoniae.

Mycoplasmozę is treated with a tetracycline or macrolide antibiotic. In addition to antibiotic therapy, drugs are used to reduce troublesome symptoms, for example, antipyretics or to facilitate the expectoration of secretions. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

You can also test for mycoplasmosis at home. It is available in the form of mail order on Medonet Market at an attractive price. After collection, the samples are sent to the laboratory and the waiting time for the results is 7 working days.

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