
A mycologist is a doctor who diagnoses, treats, and prevents fungal diseases of the skin, hair, and nails.

A mycologist is a narrower specialization of a dermatologist, a doctor with a higher education. Mycology itself is closely related to dermatology and venereology.

Mycology is the science that studies fungi, itself a branch of biology. A mycologist is a doctor with a higher education, often whose primary specialty is a dermatologist who studies fungal diseases, as well as fungal infections of the skin, nails, and hair. Mycology itself is closely related to dermatology and venereology.

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What does a mycologist do?

The scope of this specialist is quite wide. The scope of mycology includes the identification and treatment of various skin diseases that were caused by fungi. These can be mold lesions – epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, microsporia, as well as yeast lesions – candidiasis (read also: causes, signs and symptoms of thrush).

The mycologist identifies the type of pathogen, selects drugs for its irradiation, controls the course of therapy and is engaged in the prevention of the disease. A mycologist should be consulted if the scalp or nail plates have also been affected.

A mycologist should be able to distinguish a mycotic lesion from diseases similar in clinical manifestations. Many diseases of non-fungal origin, although they give the same symptoms, are not provoked by mycotic organisms at all, but, for example, by smoking, chronic ENT pathologies, malnutrition, allergies, etc.

What diseases does a mycologist treat?

The specialist deals with the therapy of mycoses, as well as non-fungal diseases of the nail plates.

The competence of the doctor is:

  • Onychomycosis, which consists in the defeat of the nail plate by a dermatophyte fungus (its various types) or other fungi. Requires long-term treatment (at least 3 months), sometimes therapy can reach a year.

  • Actinomycosis, which develops as a result of ingestion of radiant fungi into the human body. Any organs can be affected, but the face, jaw, and neck are most often affected. Treatment is carried out in a hospital, consists in the surgical treatment of the lesion and further conservative therapy.

  • Panniculitis, a disease of unknown etiology, characterized by damage to the subcutaneous fat and acute inflammation. The role of fungi in the development of the disease has not been elucidated, however, a mycologist can deal with this problem, as he has a specialty of a dermatologist.

  • Aspergillosis is caused by a fungus belonging to the genus Aspergillus. These mycotic organisms most often affect the lungs and bronchi, although they can penetrate the internal organs through the hematogenous route, causing severe complications.

  • Mucormycosis, which is provoked by mold fungi, affects the nose and brain, often ends in death.

  • Fungal pneumonia is a deep mycotic lesion of the lung tissue. The disease can be caused by various fungi – mold, yeast-like, pneumocystis, endemic dimorphic.

  • Paronychia, which is characterized by damage to the nail folds and other tissues surrounding the nail. Most often caused by yeast-like fungi.

  • Candidiasis or damage to organs or organ systems by yeast-like fungi. Candidiasis occurs on the mucous membranes of the mouth, on the nails, in the intestines, in the female and male genital organs, etc.

  • Pityriasis versicolor, which is the result of skin lesions with yeast-like fungi.

  • Dermatoses and pruritus.

These are the most common diseases in the practice of a mycologist. In addition to them, any mycoses are within the competence of this specialist, so they must be correctly interpreted and cured.

When to Consult a Mycologist

A mycologist’s consultation is an examination of the diagnostic plan for the detection of fungal infections of the nails, skin and hair. Most often, a dermatologist recommends contacting a mycologist, as a more highly specialized doctor.

Symptoms that should alert a person:

  • Dandruff;

  • Itching of the scalp and body;

  • Ulcers on the skin, accompanied by itching;

  • Cracking of the dermis, its peeling;

  • Unusual color of nails, change in their structure;

  • Exfoliation of the skin with its rupture in the future.

It is quite difficult not to pay attention to a fungal infection of the skin or nails. Starting with a slight itching and redness, microorganisms will gradually capture all new areas of the body and nails. An untreated infection causes the development of serious health complications, as well as a deterioration in the appearance of the patient and a decrease in his quality of life.

How is the appointment with the mycologist

The initial consultation with a specialist comes down to the fact that the doctor will listen and evaluate the patient’s complaints. The next stage is the collection of anamnesis and examination of the affected areas of the skin and nails, as well as the examination of the integument using a Wood’s lamp.

Wood’s lamp is used in dermatology to detect fungal skin lesions, as well as to detect ringworm. Therefore, such a device must be in the mycologist’s office.

In addition, the initial appointment includes the collection of scraping material for further research. In this regard, you should not apply any ointments, tinctures, powders or creams to the dermis. The skin must be clean before visiting the mycologist.

At the end of the appointment, the doctor may recommend additional tests and set the date for the next appointment.

Diagnostic methods used by a mycologist

  • Taking swabs from the mucous membrane of the throat, ear, paranasal sinuses, pharynx. After the material is obtained, a microscopic examination of the discharge and inoculation on various nutrient media is performed, which makes it possible to isolate the culture of the fungus and determine its type. A similar diagnostic method is appropriate for detecting mycoses of the upper respiratory tract.

  • Crystallographic method for the determination of fungi of the genus Candida.

  • Taking a section of the affected skin with a disposable scalpel, removing the marginal part of the nail and hair with sterile scissors. Subsequent laboratory study of the obtained materials using KOH.

  • Electropuncture diagnostics according to R. Voll.

  • The use of the PCR method, which is of value in detecting deep candidiasis and disseminated infection. In addition, in some cases, only the PCR method allows genotyping and determining the species of the fungus.

  • Express diagnostics of mycoses using the immunobisensory method. To perform the analysis, the serum part of the patient’s blood is required.

  • Chemiluminescent analysis in the immunodiagnosis of fungi of the genus Candida.

Most often, the result can be obtained 2-7 days after the material was taken for research. However, there are also express diagnostic methods that, after a few hours, can provide information about the type of fungal infection in a person, which means that they will make it possible to make a diagnosis faster and begin treatment.

Methods for the prevention of fungal diseases recommended by mycologists

At the consultation, the mycologist informs each patient about fairly simple methods for the prevention of fungal diseases that will minimize the risk of infection:

  • Maintaining cleanliness in the house, taking care of personal belongings. It is especially important to regularly carry out wet cleaning for people prone to developing allergies.

  • Compliance with hygiene rules. It is important to prevent the formation of diaper rash, prickly skin.

  • When the first symptoms of candidiasis are detected, you should not be treated on your own. It is necessary to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe therapy.

  • Keeping feet and hands clean and dry. In the presence of excessive sweating, it is necessary to seek help from a dermatologist or mycologist.

  • Proper nutrition and intake of vitamins depending on the season.

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