Mycological studies and onychomycosis, vagina and skin

Mycological tests detect fungal infections in the body. In addition, they identify the specific type of fungus and determine what drug will work for it. How is the research going? It depends on the infected area. It happens that material is collected during the test, and then microorganisms are grown from it in laboratory conditions. Only then is it subjected to special tests. The fungi can live in the mouth, on the skin and also in the digestive tract. They very often attack the nails and the vagina.

Mycological examination of nails

Mycological research nails consist in collecting a diseased plate nail. Special cutters are used for this purpose. It will be good if the horny mass that is under the nail is also taken. The sampling process is different when the infection is related to the periungual shafts. Then the most common material for the examination is the secretion that accumulates just below it. However, if there is no discharge, a sterile thread is placed just below the nail and soaked in Sabouraud’s broth. It is important to take it out only after a few or even several hours. It is the material for mycological research.

Mycological examination of the vagina

Tinea vagina it is the most common infection in women. If an infection is suspected vagina At the very beginning, the doctor looks at the reproductive organs and assesses the mucus. Always before targeting mycological research a visit to the gynecologist is necessary. A characteristic symptom of infection is swelling and redness of the labia. Additionally, a cheese-like discharge is observed. Then a cervical smear is taken for Pap smear. It is also important to get a smear from the fornix of the vagina. It gives information about the severity of the infection. Mycological research in case of mycosis vagina they rely on examining slides under a microscope.

Mycological tests of the skin

Ringworm can also appear on the surface skin. In order to diagnose it, the most frequently diseased skin scales are collected. The collection consists in scraping them with a special surgical spoon. If blisters form, you will need to extract some of them. Also, do not forget to download skin from the fringes of change. The mycosis can also affect the hairy area. Then stuff to do survey mycological there are hair from the lesion, as well as skin from the periphery. What’s next for the material? It is placed on a special slide and treated with a solution of potassium hydroxide. The specimen is then viewed under a microscope. It is important to choose the right magnification here. In case of mycological research the image should be magnified 400 times. Only with this magnification it will be possible to find mycelium hyphae. In some cases, the fungus is grown under special conditions, but this method takes too long, so it has been replaced by microscopic examination of the preparations. The use of preparations significantly speeds up the diagnosis process. From time to time, also histological examinations are performed, which consist of staining the mushrooms. Due to this, an ideal image of the mushroom is created, which has dark outlines.

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