Mycena sticky (Mycena viscosa)

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Agaricales (Agaric or Lamellar)
  • Family: Mycenaceae (Mycenaceae)
  • Genus: Mycena
  • Type: Mycena viscosa (Mycena sticky)

Mycena sticky (Mycena viscosa) photo and description

Sticky mycena (Mycena viscosa) is a fungus of the Mycena family, synonymous with the name is Mycena viscosa (Secr.) Maire.

External description of the fungus

The cap of mycena sticky initially has a bell-shaped shape, as the mushroom matures, it takes on a prostrate shape, in its central part there is a small but noticeable tubercle. The edges of the cap at the same time become uneven, ribbed. Its diameter is 2-3 cm, the surface of the mushroom cap is smooth, often covered with a thin layer of mucus. In immature mushrooms, the cap has a light brown or grayish-brown hue. In mature plants, the cap acquires a yellowish color and is covered with reddish spots.

Mushroom plates have a small thickness, they are very narrow and often grow together with each other. The leg of this type of mushroom has a high rigidity and rounded shapes. Its height varies within 6 cm, and the diameter is 0.2 cm. The surface of the leg is smooth, at the base it has a small fluff. Initially, the color of the stem of the mushroom is a rich lemon, but when pressed on it, the color changes to a slightly reddish. The flesh of the sticky mycena is yellowish in color, characterized by elasticity. The flesh of the cap is thin, grayish in color, very brittle. From it emanates a barely audible, unpleasant aroma.

Fungal spores are characterized by white color.

Mycena sticky (Mycena viscosa) photo and descriptionHabitat and fruiting period

Mycena sticky (Mycena viscosa) grows singly or in small groups. The fruiting period of the plant begins in May, but its activity increases in the third decade of August, when solitary mushrooms appear. The period of unstable, as well as stable and massive fruiting of sticky mycena falls on the period from early September to early October. Until the end of the second decade of October, mushrooms of this species are characterized by low fruiting and the appearance of single mushrooms.

The fungus Mycena viscosa can be found in Primorye, the European regions of Our Country and other parts of the state.

Mycena sticky grows mainly in coniferous spruce forests, on rotten stumps, near tree roots, on deciduous or coniferous litter. Their location is not uncommon, but the sticky mycena mushroom (Mycena viscosa) grows in small colonies.


The mushroom of the described species belongs to the category of inedible mushrooms, has an unpleasant odor, which only intensifies after boiling. As part of the sticky mycena, there are no toxic substances that can harm human health, but their low taste and sharp, unpleasant odor make them unsuitable for human consumption.

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