My stranger’s child: family life stories

😉 Greetings to regular readers and story lovers! “My strange child” is an incident from the life of one happy family.

Once my fellow traveler on the train was a beautiful young woman of about thirty. Somehow it so happened that we immediately felt sympathy for each other and chatted all the way, like old friends. A new acquaintance willingly talked about her life. I gave her story the name “My strange child”.


She is originally from Georgia. The future husband noticed Camilla when she was in school. After leaving school, a young Georgian wooed his beloved. The girl’s parents did not mind. In general, they played a magnificent Georgian wedding in the best traditions.

After some time, the newlyweds moved to Russia. The husband went into the construction business, in which he succeeded quite well. We lived in peace and harmony. But the spouses were upset that they did not have children.

After passing all the necessary examinations, it turned out that the reason was in her. The husband categorically refused to take the child from the orphanage. And IVF was still considered exotic at that time.

Found a way out

Camilla thought for a long time what to do? And I found a way out: you need to find a woman, preferably a single mother and persuade her to give birth from her husband Camilla. Naturally, not free. Now it is called “surrogacy” and is regulated by law.

Well, the process of conception itself takes place in a clinic. That is, there is no need to sleep with other people’s husbands and wives. But in those distant times, very few people heard about this.

The most difficult thing was to persuade her own husband to do this. He desperately resisted, shouted, called her abnormal. He said that everything is fine with them, happiness is not in children, and in general, how does she imagine all this ?!

But Camilla was persistent. She looked after a young woman with a young son. I asked neighbors about her, made inquiries. It turned out that the woman worked as a nurse in a local hospital, had never been married, and was madly in love with her son. Calm, not walking.

The right thing, Camilla thought. But the spouse did not want to hear anything about it, and any attempts to talk on this topic ended in a scandal. But she didn’t back down. With this in mind, they went on leave to their homeland, to Georgia.

During the noisy feasts, Camilla kept thinking about her plan. Her brooding appearance was noticed by all relatives, but especially by her grandmother, whom she loved very much and always listened to her advice. She shared her idea with her. When grandmother listened to her granddaughter, she was silent for a long time, and then she said:

– My girl, you must understand what you are going on. There will be no turning back. Are you sure you decided everything? Your man will go to another, sleep with her. You will know about it and suffer … Do you agree to all this?

The granddaughter nodded silently. She has presented everything to the smallest detail a thousand times already. The desire to have a child, at least half of his own, was strongest.

Fierce hatred

The wife connected relatives, and together they persuaded the man to take this step. The woman chosen by Camilla for the role of “surrogate mother” also agreed to go on this adventure for a certain amount. After giving birth, she had to leave the city forever.

Camilla fed her husband and the future mother of “her” child with vitamins, sent her husband to her on the right days. What woman is capable of this ?! But she treated it like taking medication that is necessary for her recovery.

The pregnancy came on quickly and proceeded well. Camilla and her husband were looking forward to the birth of their child and were happy.

But a few days before the birth, something in Camilla’s mind turned upside down! She said that, waking up one morning, she suddenly realized what she had done! How could she send her beloved to another woman ?!

She destroyed her family with her own hands and pushed him to treason! The woman hated this “slut”, “cheater” and their “offspring”.

Fierce hatred and anger settled in her soul. She immediately attacked her husband with fists and insults, she called him the last words and cursed. The husband was shocked:

– It was your idea! I didn’t want that!

He left for work, slamming the door.

And the next day a boy was born. Camilla did not recognize the child – she flatly refused to accept the baby. The husband himself took the child from the hospital. Camilla locked herself in her room and practically did not leave there.

She did not speak to her husband. Sometimes she heard the crying of a baby – at that moment her heart was bursting with burning jealousy and hatred for all the participants in this story.

Happy End

All this time, the baby was looked after by Camilla’s sister-in-law. Seeing that his family was crumbling, the unfortunate husband called his wife’s mother and grandmother from Georgia.

Grandmother, looking at the state of her granddaughter, said to the man:

– Now you will go to your wife. And until you calm her down, and most importantly, until you are with her as husband and wife, nothing will change. Let it destroy everything around, let it call you names and shower you with curses. By all means, you must definitely do this, – and closed the door from the outside with a key.

Camilla smashed everything in the room, including the windows. She threw herself at her husband, hit him in the face and constantly screamed – a real hysteria happened to her. How long it all lasted, she does not remember. But her husband, with some incredible efforts, found an approach to her, found the right words, and everything happened as it should …

Camilla admitted that after that she felt easy at heart and very ashamed. She left the room, apologized to everyone and everything went as she dreamed. What happened to her, she did not understand. Some kind of clouding of mind, or maybe this is how the subconscious reacted to the betrayal?

The couple are madly in love with their son. “My strange child” was born like two peas in a pod like his father. A woman immediately shows when she is happy. So, in front of me sat an absolutely happy mother and a woman.

The train was approaching the station, we were both preparing to leave. On the platform, Camilla was met by a respectable man with flowers and a boy of about seven years old, really very similar to him …

My stranger’s child: family life stories

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