My personal TOP-5 of the best wines for 300 rubles that you can buy in a convenience store

Somehow my friends and I went to rest in the south. The beach, the sun, the sea… However, everything will eventually get boring. So we, pretty burned, decided to take a walk into the city. Wandering through the quiet streets, we stumbled upon a branded wine shop. Come in. The prices there turned out to be like phone numbers, that is, long and incomprehensible.

In general, we did not stay there for a long time. Leaving the building, one of ours told the seller that good inexpensive wine can be found in Magnit. The worker just laughed, and I must say, the topic fascinated us and we began to recall specific brands of alcohol.

The story was shared by blog subscriber Denis.


I remember the first brand. PUNGH & RUM (Punch Rum) is a good wine in its class. For a liter bottle, you will have to pay only 218 rubles.

It is not very strong – 11%. There are some fruity notes in the smell. The taste is tart, sweetish. Color – light red.

What I like about it is the ease with which this wine is drunk. There are almost no alcohol notes in the taste, which is rarely seen in cheap alcohol. And the price is more than attractive.

Note! The name may mislead you. This wine has nothing to do with traditional Punch.


“Your rooms or punches are all kindergarten,” the oldest man from our company spoke up. “I take Cahors all the time. It is inexpensive, it will be cheaper than your Punch. In Magnit, it costs only 107 rubles for a bottle of 0,7.

“He’s strong, isn’t he?” someone asked. “I just never drank.” “Not really – 10-11%, but after it, at least the head never hurts in the morning, it has been tested for years. For this I appreciate him.

It’s a thick, dark red. It is easy to drink, however, you almost do not feel the taste and smell. It seems that there is something grape, but it seems that it is not. Yes, it might be for the best.

But you get drunk from it quickly and, at first glance, imperceptibly. In general, men – from cheap wines – this, in my opinion, is the best option.

My personal TOP-5 of the best wines for 300 rubles that you can buy in a convenience store

Note! Cahors is not only an integral part of worship, it is also a very good wine that has been used in Russia since time immemorial.

SANGRIA (Sangria)

“Well, what are you drinking?” we turned to the youngest member of our company with a smile. The boy just recently came from the army and went with us to the sea to celebrate this event.

“I like SANGRIA (Sangria),” he replied. “It costs 180 rubles per liter in Red and White. In taste, as well as in smell, fruity notes are felt. Well, the cherry color is so rich.

I liked it just because of the fruity palette. This is unusual for wines. It seems that grapes are felt in taste, but it seems that orange and other things are mixed with it. ”

My personal TOP-5 of the best wines for 300 rubles that you can buy in a convenience store

Note! Do not confuse this Sangria with the Spanish one. These are two completely different things.

KVINT (Quint), Merlot

“Men – we’re in the south, how can we not remember about Quint?” said one of ours. “Good Moldovan wine. The color is like rubies in my wife’s necklace.”

“Eka you turned down,” interrupted his lover Cahors. “The wine is worth, probably, no less than the necklace itself?”

“What are you! 260 rubles in Pyaterochka. But it’s worth it. The taste is soft, slightly bitter. And it smells like! Currants, plums and grapes at the same time. Quality wine. In general, I love Moldovan alcohol, but Quint just won me over. The price matches the quality. That’s what got me hooked.”

My personal TOP-5 of the best wines for 300 rubles that you can buy in a convenience store

Note! Such a low price for Moldovan wines in Russia became after the abolition of customs duties on the import of alcohol.

FANAGORIA (Fanagoria), Author’s wine

“Here you hinted at the south, but you didn’t even remember about Phanagoria,” the guy who had been silent until then broke into the conversation.

“It, by the way, is produced not very far from here – on Taman. The price, of course, is under 300 rubles for a bottle of 0,75, but guys, it’s worth it.

The color is like pomegranate. Smells like cherry and prunes. The taste is so pleasant, berry. The aftertaste is felt for a long time – as if you had eaten a handful of currants. That’s what I like about it.”

My personal TOP-5 of the best wines for 300 rubles that you can buy in a convenience store

Note! Phanagoria can be found on the shelves of stores in many countries of Europe and Asia, where this wine is very popular.

We discussed for a long time what good wines can be purchased at an affordable price. We went over, in my opinion, a dozen options, if not more. And what wine worth up to 300 rubles can you recommend?

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