“My mother-in-law secretly substituted formula for my breast milk because she thinks it is dirty”

The days when women were considered “dirty” during menstruation or after childbirth are long gone. Yet even now some people continue to believe this. One of them was the mother-in-law of our heroine, who refused to give breast milk to her granddaughter, as her mother … has sex with her husband.

“My daughter is exclusively breastfed and my mother-in-law is well aware of this. I always left a lot of bottles of milk when I brought a child to her so that she could feed him, ”the Reddit user began her story. Recently, she found out that she did it in vain. It turns out that all this time the mother-in-law secretly poured out her breast milk and fed the girl with a formula.

It’s all about the woman’s strange belief that her daughter-in-law’s breast milk is “dirty.” When the narrator found out about everything, the mother-in-law directly told her that mothers who have sex pollute their bodies. Apparently, in her opinion, women should stop having sex after the birth of a child – at least for the period of breastfeeding.

“My mother-in-law never liked me, although I repeatedly tried to find a common language with her. My husband sees no problem in his mother’s behavior and refuses to speak up for me. I hired a nanny and I no longer allow my grandmother to look after the baby. But we are constantly fighting with my husband, as the mother complains to him about me, ”the woman explained.

The woman does not intend to give in to her mother-in-law, but she worries that her adherence to principles can destroy the marriage

The narrator asked netizens for advice on how best to act in this situation – after all, she no longer trusts her mother-in-law, and every time it is too tiring to make sure that a woman does not replace her breast milk with formula.

“Is it really impossible for me, as a mother, to decide what and how to feed my child?” asked the desperate heroine. Most of the users supported the decision of the author of the post and assured her that only she should deal with the issues of feeding her daughter.

They criticized the behavior of both the narrator’s mother-in-law and her husband. “First, your husband should have stood up for you and had a serious talk with your mother. Secondly, only you decide what is best for the child – the mother-in-law has already raised her children. Thirdly, I would not trust her daughter because of her misogynistic and absurd statements, ”wrote one of the commentators.

In addition, users were ironic about the mother-in-law’s belief about “dirty” breast milk due to closeness with her husband. “I wonder how her son would react to the fact that you will stop having sex with him in the next year and a half?”, “Tell your husband that you will not sleep with him so that breast milk remains “clean” for the sake of his mother, ” they had fun.

Commentators wondered how the mother-in-law knew that the spouses were having sex

After all, intimate relationships in a couple after the birth of a child develop in different ways: someone has enough time and energy for sex, while someone at first goes headlong into caring for a child. Apparently, the heroine’s husband dedicated his mother to their sex life – however, only his wife was condemned.

“A husband has no right to say that pouring breast milk is not a problem until he himself learns to breastfeed,” “Wasting your breast milk and blaming you is disrespectful to you,” added others.

A similar story happened with our other heroine, a single mother, who was humiliated by her former mother-in-law. The woman met her on the threshold of the house, without taking the baby from her breast, and accidentally exposed her nipple in front of her. The mother-in-law called her daughter-in-law lewd and told other relatives about what had happened, who began to shame her.

Unfortunately, breastfeeding is still a taboo topic in society. As you can see from these stories, many people are looking for a convenient excuse to shame a breastfeeding mother, whether it’s feeding in a public place, accidentally getting naked in the process, or having sex while breastfeeding.

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