- Nina Chusova, theater director.
- “Pasha became my brother in spirit”
- “I can talk with Misha 24 hours a day”
- “Chulpan is like a grinder for me”
- “I think I’m a lot like my mom”
- “Vladimir teaches me to look at the world differently”
- Andrey Gelasimov, writer.
- “Kolya Dudarenko saves me from consumerism”
- “I admire Dima’s ability to find poetry in everything”
- “Nadia is my co-author and a very cheerful person”
- “Anatoly Vasilyev turned my brains around”
- “The fresh look of Alexander Snegirev helps me”
- Elizaveta Boyarskaya, actress of the Maly Drama Theater (St. Petersburg).
- “I feel the connection with my brother every second”
- “We are connected with Nastya more than friendship – kinship”
- “We have mutual understanding at the internal level”
- “Three sisters: Dasha, Lena and me”
At the intersection of our life orbits there are always several people whose routes are closer to us, whose attraction is stronger. Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Nina Chusova, and Andrey Gelasimov told us about these select connections. Here are their worlds in the human dimension.
“Name five people who feel like they help you a lot…” Perhaps some of us will not be easy to recruit such a number of characters, but someone, on the contrary, will be surprised at the need to narrow the circle so narrowly. For director Nina Chusova, actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya and writer Andrey Gelasimov, the choice of the five most important people was, first of all, an occasion to look back at themselves.
“I appreciate his fresh look, which I myself sometimes lack,” the writer admits. “She honed me in the details, the way a sculpture is completed,” the actress recalls. Another discovery: the galaxy of our sympathies and friendships often recreates the image of a kind of ideal family, in which there are key figures whose example can be inspired, and childhood friends who are dear to us like brothers and sisters. Be that as it may, our chosen kinship is always an occasion for reflection.
Nina Chusova, theater director.
The author of many performances that are successfully staged on the stages of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, Sovremennik, Satyricon, Theatre. Moscow City Council, Theatre. Pushkin and others. Nina is 36 years old.
“Pasha became my brother in spirit”
“Actor Pavel Derevyanko is my classmate at GITIS. We studied together with Leonid Kheifets, he is acting, I am directing. It is important for me, it is simply necessary that Pasha participate in my performances: when I rehearse with him, I do not need to explain anything about the most important task, we understand each other on a telepathic level.
What does he give me? “Pasha is my artist. If it were not for him, I would not have taken place in the profession. It is a great happiness when at the beginning of your creative path you come across an actor with whom you are in resonance. Pasha became my brother in spirit. If something happens to him – even in another country, I can wake up in a cold sweat, call him: “God! What’s the matter?” And he will say: “How do you know? I have a fever. Temperature 40″.
“I can talk with Misha 24 hours a day”
“I’m terribly glad that I still have new friends! And each of them gives me something very important. All last summer, together with the writer and screenwriter Mikhail Bolle, I worked on the script. True, due to problems with the producer of the movie, we never shot it, but this is not so important.
What does he give me? “This man was a real discovery for me. He is a little over 40, but he knows how to see the world through the eyes of a child – I immediately begin to trust such people. His wording is as fresh as a tear. Sometimes his thoughts seem to me paradoxical to the point of stupidity. But time passes, and I think: “But how great it is, so simple! Why do I complicate things?”
“Chulpan is like a grinder for me”
“The first meeting with Chulpan Khamatova in the play “Mamapapasynsobaka” (at the Sovremennik Theater. – Ed.) Was a great joy for me, because an actress of this level is a gift. But working with her was a lot of work. You always had to be on the alert, because a smart actress is a danger to the director.”
What does she give me? “Chulpan in my life is like sandpaper. Once I recklessly agreed to play a prank on her in the “Joke” program. It was a great human injustice towards her. Only a year later, our relationship began to improve. And then I realized how important it is to feel, with whom and how you can behave.
“I think I’m a lot like my mom”
“The Nekrasov woman who “stops a galloping horse and enters a burning hut” is my mother. She has had a hard life. She recently buried her father, her brother died. On it is a grandmother who is 100 years old. And with all this, she continues to work (mother is a doctor) and helps me with the children.
What does she give me? “I took over the desire to overcome all life’s difficulties from her. She never stopped me from doing what I want. When I graduated from high school with a gold medal, everyone dreamed that I would go to medical school. And when I said that I want to be an artist, it was a blow to my mother’s dream. But she said: “If you want – come on.” I hope to learn from her not to interfere with my children’s growth, not to impose my views on them.
“Vladimir teaches me to look at the world differently”
“In general, Volodya is a dentist. And we met when I came to him for dental treatment. But it so happened that it was he who opened the eastern system of views on life for me. I even did Vietnamese wrestling nyat-nam under his guidance. Now he travels to India, studies Ayurveda, which attracts me very much.”
What does he give me? “He teaches me to see things through the prism of the irrational, to find a different connection between events. When I need to make an urgent decision, I call him and ask: “Yes or no?” Without explaining the essence of the matter. He never made a mistake in his advice.
Andrey Gelasimov, writer.
Author of the books “Year of Deception”, “Thirst”, “Fox Mulder is like a pig”, “Rachel” (OGI, 2004, 2005, 2005, 2007). In 2007, the OGI publishing house published his first complete collection of works. Andrew is 42 years old.
“Kolya Dudarenko saves me from consumerism”
“In the 90s, he was a“ crimson jacket ”- he traded something, turned something around – and at the same time filled life with himself and arranged a holiday for everyone. And even when his business went wrong, he stubbornly continued to teach roles in his amateur theater and littered with money. Now he lives where his old friends let him in: he deliberately became a clochard, brazenly does not want to work and just reads books.
What does he give me? “Kolya personifies the non-bourgeois principle. I love his rebellion. This person keeps me from my growing consumerist habits, from the addictive bourgeois society, and for a writer it is very important not to fall into a state of total consumption.
“I admire Dima’s ability to find poetry in everything”
“Dmitry Itskovich is a successful restaurateur, founder of the OGI publishing house. I came to him in the summer of 2001. In my pocket I had a floppy disk with my first texts. He listened languidly to me, offered to leave the floppy disk, and two hours later he called to say that he would print my book.
What does he give me? “We often meet, and I enjoy listening to his stories about life: he admires her as a very young man. When his club “Bilingua” burned down, he said: “Now I’ll come home, hang myself and sway to the rhythm of tango.” Finding poetry in your own depression is great! I admire it.”
“At school, everyone knew that Nadia was dancing at the Palace of Pioneers. Once I saw her on stage: she was in a national dress, and she had hundreds of braids on her head! When she whirled, the dress and pigtails flew apart in two parallel sparkling bells, and this cheerful expansion struck me to the very heart.
What does she give me? “Somehow in the mid-90s we were given a salary in sunflower oil. I went out onto the porch, dropped the can, and poured oil on my suede boot. After that, she got sick of living, but at home Nadya resolutely doused the second boot with the same oil and said: “Now they will be leather.” Nadya is an honest indicator of my creativity: earlier, when reading my texts, her face often “soured”. About five years ago it stopped crooked – since then I have become a writer.
“Anatoly Vasilyev turned my brains around”
“When I entered GITIS, he was one of the most famous directors in Europe: the competition was 600 people per seat. However, in the second round, when the Master gave me a kind of psychological test, I fell out of the race. But a week later they called me from the theater and asked me to return for the third round.
What does he give me? “If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be doing art. After each theatrical show, which ended at eleven o’clock in the evening, he stayed until the morning, analyzed each passage, and spoke very important words to each of us. These were real lectures on art. I’m sorry I don’t see Master today.”
“The fresh look of Alexander Snegirev helps me”
“I met Snegirev at the Debut literary award: he then received the main prize for his stories. His talent is obvious. I firmly know that there are few talented people among us. And there are very few of those who know how to develop their talent and bring it to the level of mastery in their chosen profession.
What does he give me? “Once every two months we arrange gatherings with him. We get such a contact: a young and not very young writer. Snegirev has a fantastic look: he picks up the most fashionable trends. And I watch them.”
Elizaveta Boyarskaya, actress of the Maly Drama Theater (St. Petersburg).
In 2007, she played the role of Nadia in Timur Bekmambetov’s film The Irony of Fate. Continuation”. Elizabeth is 22 years old.
“I feel the connection with my brother every second”
“My brother Seryozha is six years older than me. In childhood, of course, we fought with pillows, but loving, no offense. We have always stood up for each other. When Seryozha had a transitional age, I defended him in front of his parents and even participated in his not always good deeds.
What does he give me? “There are always issues that require the participation of loved ones. In this case, Seryozha always turns to me. And it is important for me to fulfill his request this very minute, postponing all affairs. Just as quickly Sergey solves all my problems. And despite the fact that we rarely see each other (Seryozha has a family, and I rarely go home), I feel a connection with him every second.
“We are connected with Nastya more than friendship – kinship”
“We met Nastya Yermolina when we were both three years old: our parents were friends. Then we went to the same school with her. When Nastya had a daughter, I became her godmother.”
What does she give me? “We rarely see each other, but when we meet, we discuss absolutely everything. Nastya is a psychologist, she knows how to listen well and gives advice that always helps me in life. She perfectly understands that I am, first of all, the same person as everyone else, therefore she adequately treats my publicity, considers it a cost of the profession and nothing more. Friendship with Nastya has become an integral part of me. Something very precious, personal. More than friendship. Rather, kinship.
“We have mutual understanding at the internal level”
“We met Alla Ilyinichnaya (Surikova – director of the films “Look for a Woman”, “The Man from Capuchin Boulevard”, etc. – Ed.) We met three years ago when we worked together on the film “You Won’t Leave Me”. She is unique in that she is absolutely young at heart. It is modern, even momentary. It’s very easy to communicate with her.”
What does she give me? “During filming, she always guided me. I did everything that depended on me, and Alla Ilyinichna formed the final sculpture from this, honed it herself. Working with her, I manifested myself in a new way. For example, I was always afraid to try comedy, but she helped me not to be afraid. We have mutual understanding not on a verbal, but on an internal level: I felt that she wants to convey to me, her words went straight to my heart.
“Three sisters: Dasha, Lena and me”
“I have two friends who are just like sisters to me: Daria Rumyantseva and Elena Solomonova. We studied together at the theater institute, and then began to work in the same theater.
What do they give me? “We are completely different both in character and in temperament, but when the three of us, harmony arises between us. We have long been unable to do without each other. On tour, we always demand a triple room – and chat late into the night, using the rare opportunity to meet outside of work. In general, I have many close friends, but we see Dasha and Lena every single day at the theater, so they are the closest to me now. Our friendship is not far-fetched, as is often the case between people of the theatrical circle, where the profession is put in the first place. We have no jealousy or competition. I would like to learn wisdom from Lena, and directness and lightness from Dasha.