My first aid kit

My first aid kit

The unavoidable

You haven’t had an antiseptic solution for the skin for a long time? Can’t find adhesive bandages when you need them? You must then you provide a first aid kit! Especially since we can compose a basic pharmacy inexpensively. And how much she can be Useful

Here is the first aid kit that PasseportSanté.net suggests to you.

Gauze strips

Elastic fabric bands

Hot water bottle (or “magic bag”)

Safety or round-tipped scissors

Sterilized compresses

Cushion filled with gel (put in the freezer for ice packs)

Safety pins

Adhesive bandages of various sizes

Tweezers or splinters

Adhesive fabric tape

Antiseptic solution

Alcohol swabs (to sterilize instruments)

Cotton pads

Digital thermometer

Different options …

We can add to this kit the pharmaceuticals in common use as well as some natural health products, if desired. Analgesic, antacid, laxative … We thus obtain a home pharmacy of the most complete to deal with emergencies as with small harmless ailments. On this subject, consult the text My pharmacy, according to the ailments.

You can also adapt your first aid kit according to the seasons. In summer, you can slip a mosquito repellent or sunscreen. It is also possible to make a small kit for the car: add a alcohol based lotion for cleaning hands, for example.

For those who don’t want to make their own first aid kit, there are some great ones on the market. In the country, the St. John Ambulance1 and the Canadian Red Cross Society2 offer different versions.

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