My child is having fits, what should I do?

Baby’s anger and opposition phase

Your child is going through a period that characterizes most children around the age of 2: the famous period of opposition. It is manifested precisely by the incisive NOTs, fits, crying and anger. During this phase, your little one is crying out for more autonomy (which is good news in itself) and wants to assert himself, but he lacks the vocabulary. He then opposes or demonstrates his frustrations by using the means at his disposal (screams, anger…).

Reduce your temper tantrums

Even if your child is in a normal stage of development, that doesn’t mean you have to passively tolerate everything. He needs coaching and, above all, limits and benchmarks in order to develop personal security and learn to manage anger. A good way to reduce opposition is to warn him in advance of what to expect (sleep, bath, end of an activity…). Children hate the unknown and will often tend to oppose the facts. By warning him in advance, it allows him to “prepare” for the situation and to accept it more easily. It also secures the little ones.

Set your limits

When your child has a seizure, stay calm and don’t isolate her in her room (since this will only increase his frustration). Try to console him by putting into words what just happened. “Are you angry because it’s time to sleep?” Come with mom, we will read a beautiful story together, in your bed ”. She is thus taught to express what bothers her instead of having recourse to crises.

 Be careful not to use denigration to express your disagreement: “You’re mean”, “You’re just a baby” … These words will only accentuate your child’s opposition and crises.. You should know that despite this intense need to assert his identity and his independence, your little one still needs comfort and security. So let us arm ourselves with patience and understanding!

The advice of the shrink

  • Trying to divert attention when in crisis
  • Establish your boundaries clearly
  • Above all, do not isolate it
  • Comfort your child even if they are having a seizure

Do you want to talk about it between parents? To give your opinion, to bring your testimony? We meet on 

In video: 12 magic phrases to appease children’s anger

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