There may be several reasons your child suddenly attacks their fingernails:
- An event has disturbed his daily life : entering school, arrival of a little brother, unemployed parent, moving … Even something seemingly trivial can become disproportionate for him. He then expresses his confusion by biting his nails, as others run to look for their blanket.
- He simply has decided to copy someone he admires ! He sees his father, his girlfriend Julie or his babysitter biting his nails and acts by mimicry.
Should we be concerned if a child bites their nails?
No ! L’onychophagie – medical name for this little habit – is not serious! This gesture is in no way synonymous with instability or mental disorders, and your beloved child will not necessarily become obsessive or full of nervous tics in adulthood!
children express their anxiety one way or another: some suck their thumbs or suck on a pacifier, others wiggle a blanket or their T-shirt… and still others bite their nails. These little habits are a way for the child to control your anxieties, to externalize his feeling of insecurity or nervousness.
Think all the same about monitor the evolution of this mania. If things get worse – his fingers are bleeding, or this habit now occupies him all the time – do not hesitate to consult a psychotherapist.
Actions to avoid
Admittedly, this mania can be annoying for those around him, but avoid focusing on it…
Don’t constantly harass him! It will not help him to point out his fault at every moment. On the contrary, by tightening it on this habit, you will get a result opposite to what you are looking for. Prohibiting her from doing this only increases her need to do so. And one mania may replace another.
Likewise, there is no point in making remarks to him in public, or imitating him by showing him “how ugly”. This approach is humiliating and harmful for his psychological and emotional development! Be rather understanding, and try to find solutions together.
Brush her nails with a bitter varnish can bear fruit, only if your child is involved: if the process is perceived as a punishment, it will be ineffective and badly lived.
>>>>> To read also:How does your child assert his personality?
The right attitude …
Discuss it with him in private. His gesture comes from a inability to express what he feels. It is therefore fundamental to find out what is bothering him: things are not going well with the babysitter? Her relations with her boyfriend Mathieu are no longer in good shape? Reassure him! Thanks to your listening, he will no longer carry his burden alone …
Find someone around you who had the same mania as him, and talk to your child about it. He will feel less alone and can play down His gesture.
If this habit becomes really persistent and prevents him from concentrating on other activities, have him practice manual activities, if possible with you. Plasticine or cutouts, together you will find something to occupy his hands!