Contagious microbutters
For a few days now, your little Leo, 3 and a half years old, has had kinds of small transparent balls, like microbutton, gathered in clusters on the surface of the skin, in the fold of the groin. It may be “molluscum contagiosums”! Rest assured: it’s contagious and it has a barbaric name, but it’s completely harmless.
Frequent and not serious
“Molluscum contagiosums are frequent in children, especially before 5 years old, and not serious,” immediately reassures Professor Franck Boralevi, head of the Pediatric Dermatology Unit at Bordeaux University Hospital. “It’s not a hygiene issue, and there are no contributing factors apart from eczema, which mollusca are often associated with. So what exactly is molluscum contagiosum? “It’s pretty much the same as a wart except that it’s not the same virus that’s responsible for it,” explains the professor. “For warts, it’s papillomavirus or HPV; for molluscums, it is molluscum parapoxvirus. In fact, it’s a distant cousin of smallpox, but don’t panic, it has nothing to do with it! Molluscums are never dangerous, ”reassures the specialist. They are mainly found in the folds of the groin, armpits, abdomen, eyelids …
Three possible attitudes to treat mollusca
On the treatment side, what do we do? “There are no formidably effective treatments. And today, we are not sure that processing quickly works better than if we simply let nature do its work, and molluscums disappear naturally ”, analyzes Prof. Franck Boralevi…. A large British study published in 2015 showed that without intervening, molluscums ended up disappearing on their own, sometimes after six months, sometimes a year, sometimes eighteen months, or even a little more. Patience is therefore one of the possible attitudes to overcome, slowly but surely, molluscums. It’s up to you to see if you can wait …
But when they are big, or located in awkward places, we can also decide to make them leave. There, two attitudes are possible. That is we apply products (prescribed by the doctor), which will cause a small local inflammation, accelerating the disappearance of molluscums. Either we opt for the most radical solution: the skin will remove each molluscum with a small curette, with a sure gesture. To avoid any discomfort to the child during this session, a small local anesthetic cream can be applied beforehand, a good hour before the appointment.
Author: Hélène Bry
The homeo prescription
Homeopathy can make it possible to avoid the “curettage” session at the dermatologist.
Cinnabaris 9 CH and Dulcamara 9 CH (5 granules of each in the morning) + Thuja 15 CH (5 granules in the evening) + Vaccinotoxinum 15 CH (1 dose per week). To be continued for 3 months, as a curative or to avoid recurrence.