My child does not want to eat: refuses porridge, advice to young parents,
The introduction of complementary foods is one of the main stages in the life of any baby; inexperienced parents perceive the rejection of unknown products with anxiety. Attempts to feed a baby with adult food can turn into a real battle, which sometimes ends with stress for the parents and the child. In such situations, a young mother screaming “My child does not want to eat!” sees non-existent diseases and rushes to seek help.
What to do if the baby does not want to eat
When the baby refuses mashed potatoes, porridge is a real punishment for young parents. In such situations, endless requests, persuasions do not help, in response only grimaces, crying, psychos that can drive parents crazy and negatively affect the child’s psyche.
When my child is not hungry, I come up with various role-playing games.
Appetite is not only a desire to eat, it is a reflection of the organism itself for eating. When most of the food eaten is digested, the intestines are emptied and appetite appears. Another situation is when the child is forced to eat, the food is not properly absorbed, the digestive system is overloaded, the appetite disappears.
Many babies under one year old categorically do not want to eat vegetable or fruit purees, but they eat dairy products with pleasure. This is a completely normal situation due to the special need for the child’s body of calcium, which is necessary for the growth of bone tissue. You should not try to feed the baby with vegetable puree in any way, just because by age it is already supposed to eat it.
Feeding a child “at any cost” is a common way to shove at least a couple of spoons into a baby, and the imagination of parents can work incredible miracles. The main task in such situations is to break the resistance using various techniques, for example, to turn food intake into a game: mouth – garage, spoon – machine, – the machine went to sleep in the garage.
You should not take the crumbs’ refusal to eat as some kind of tragedy, fuss, look for non-existent diseases. The children’s body lives by different laws, where the amount of food consumed depends on the energy spent during games, walks.
Tips to Help Young Parents
Leaving a child hungry when he refuses to eat, of course, is also impossible. Many parents are wondering how to teach their child to eat everything. Even the most deliciously smelling food is not able to awaken the baby’s appetite; in order to make the baby eat something, he must be interested in a dish with a beautiful design.
How to persuade the baby to eat for young parents will help the advice of experienced mothers.
Food for children should be healthy, tasty and beautiful. It is best to serve food to your baby in an attractive children’s plate with a beautiful spoon.
Fantasy will tell you how to arrange food beautifully and correctly. It can be mashed potatoes, which will play the role of the sea, and on top of a cutlet in the form of a boat, instead of a sail, you can push in a leaf of lettuce, parsley. Or a porridge that smiles with eyes from boiled carrot slices and a mouth of tomato. Parents just need to fantasize a little while decorating the dish and then the baby will become interested in eating it.
Forcing the baby to eat is an unproductive, harmful tactic that can form improper eating behavior in the child’s body. Basic rules for feeding your baby:
- it is necessary to develop an interest in new food, it is better to plant it with adults at the same table;
- offering new foods when he gets very hungry, usually after walking;
- look for an alternative to a dish that you don’t like, for example, if he does not eat meat, replace with protein, does not like cottage cheese, give kefir.
In no case should you punish for an overturned plate, or food scattered on the table, neatness is still unusual for a baby. There is no need to force food to eat, but at the same time, it is necessary to diversify and competently offer children’s meals.
The child needs to be encouraged when meeting new products and exclude violence if the baby does not want to take the usual food. You should walk more in the fresh air, it helps * build up * your appetite. The child himself will remember that he needs to eat and the desire to feed the baby will not contradict his natural needs.