My baby’s change: a special moment

A tender and complicit ritual

In front of you, your toddler is lying on his changing table. What a joy to see him fidget, buttocks in the air, while waiting for you to change his diaper. During the first months of an infant’s life, this ritual can be repeated 6 to 8 times a day. Choose when to change, before or after the meal and check his diaper regularly. All the products you need should be on hand. Thus, you will be able to fully enjoy this moment of one-on-one with your child in complete safety.

Changing the baby: the right reflexes

Once the layer is removed, you can start by cleaning the seat of your little one with clear water. Then dry thoroughly with a terry towel (especially the folds of his skin where the humidity is nestled). Otherwise, you can use a large cotton pad on which to apply oleo-limestone liniment, a change milk based on olive oil and lime water. It cleanses, moisturizes and protects the sensitive skin of the little ones. Is it all clean? Let his buttocks “breathe” in the open air for a few moments before putting on a new diaper and dressing him. Over the months, the movements of her little legs become more ample and your baby finds great pleasure in moving freely.

Prevent diaper rash

The irritations of the seat and therefore, the redness, are frequent in an infant. You can apply a suitable cream to protect your baby’s seat and thus prevent the appearance of diaper rash. Your pharmacist will be able to guide you to choose it well. If the discomfort persists and spreads, do not hesitate to seek advice from your child’s pediatrician.

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