For the treatment of bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system, medical cups and mustard plasters are often used as adjuvant therapy. The effectiveness of their use is not confirmed by official medicine, but after a course of treatment with these methods, the course of the disease is facilitated in some patients. Naturally, jars and mustard plasters cannot be used as the only remedy. Nevertheless, the reflexogenic effect of mustard plasters can contribute to the speedy recovery of the patient who uses them simultaneously with other means of treating bronchitis.
The mechanism of action of cans and mustard plasters
Medical banks
Banking treatment involves a vacuum effect on the skin in the respiratory area, which enhances blood flow and tissue metabolism in these areas. For the procedure, you cannot use ordinary jars; you must purchase special vessels with a semicircular bottom and thickenings at the edges at the pharmacy. The standard volume of medical jars is from 30 to 79 ml.
When the jar is installed, part of the skin is drawn into it under the influence of negative pressure. After the container is torn off the skin, small hematomas can form on the body, since the smallest vessels of the subcutaneous tissue are torn from pressure. Further, recovery processes are activated in this area, the restoration of nearby tissues and organs is stimulated. Therefore, when cans are placed on the skin in the area of the organs of the respiratory system, the process of recovery from bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases is accelerated.
As a result of treatment, pain sensations decrease, inflammatory processes stop, tissue regeneration and recovery are accelerated.
The mustard
A mustard plaster is a bag of porous material filled with mustard powder, which is pre-degreased. The mechanism of its action is based on the irritating effect of mustard seed essential oil. At the site of installation of the mustard plaster, the skin warms up and turns red, the superficial vessels expand, and blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue increases.
Another effect that is observed due to the imposition of mustard plasters is irritation of the nerve endings of the skin and activation of the central nervous system, which leads to the release of adrenaline and the launch of an immune response of phagocytic cells.
As a result of double exposure, not only trophic and tissue respiration is enhanced, but the immune system is also stimulated. Warming up the surrounding tissues helps to increase metabolism and the speedy discharge of sputum from the bronchi.
Contraindications to their use
General contraindications to the use of mustard plasters and cans apply to people with diseases:
Blood clotting disorders;
Tuberculosis of the lungs.
In addition, these funds can not be used during pregnancy and lactation, at elevated body temperature, as well as with mental arousal of the patient. With purulent rashes and other skin diseases, it is not recommended to install mustard plasters and jars so as not to provoke inflammatory processes and aggravate the patient’s condition.
There are also contraindications for each of the methods separately.
So, mustard plasters cannot be installed in newborns before the first year of life, up to three years they are used only through a pad in the form of cotton material, a bandage or a napkin.
Mustard plasters are contraindicated in:
Bronchial asthma;
Allergic reactions.
Medical banks are contraindicated in diseases
Heart failure and vascular diseases;
Tendency to thrombosis.
General exhaustion of the body, nervousness and insomnia are also contraindications. Medical banks are used starting from the age of three; they cannot be placed in small children.
When to expect the effect?
As the only treatment for bronchitis and pneumonia, the effectiveness of mustard plasters and cans will be small. Moreover, in the acute stage of diseases, it is often possible to achieve improvement only by methods of antibacterial therapy.
In the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system in children under 12 years of age, in addition to drug therapy and auxiliary methods – cans and mustard plasters – massage and breathing exercises should be used. Good performance in the treatment of bronchitis is shown by vacuum massage with cans in combination with Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.
Tangible results of using mustard plasters and cans appear after the second or third procedure, in the absence of improvements, this technique should be abandoned.
How to put mustard plasters correctly?
Mustard plasters can be installed only after the patient’s condition has stabilized, when, of all the symptoms of bronchitis and bronchopneumonia, only a prolonged cough remains. Mustard plasters improve the condition of adults and children with dry cough and congestion in the lungs. In the process of warming the skin, blood leaves the affected areas into the vessels of the subcutaneous tissue. In addition, after the procedure, immunity is activated and expectoration is facilitated, which reduces the intoxication of the body with excess sputum.
Mustard plasters can be made already a day after the temperature subsides with bronchitis. With pneumonia, you need to wait two days from the moment the temperature indicators stabilize.
How to put mustard plasters on your back?
Mustard plasters can be installed under the shoulder blades and between them, in the upper region of the sternum, as well as on the calves and feet in the heel area. Mustard plasters should not be installed too close to each other, located in the area of the projection of the kidneys and heart or on the mammary glands in women.
A bag of mustard powder is dipped in warm water (40-45 ° C) and placed on the selected area depending on the site of inflammation, kept for five to fifteen minutes and removed, after which the skin is wiped with a damp cloth and the patient is left to rest in bed for several hours .
The procedure for installing mustard plasters should not be painful for the patient, a slight burning sensation is acceptable, but not necessary. If the burning sensation becomes unbearable, you should immediately remove the mustard plaster and wipe the skin with a damp cloth.
Redness of the skin after installing the mustard plaster may persist for several days, but a bright red or purple color indicates an individual intolerance or an allergic reaction in the patient.
It is forbidden to wipe the skin with alcohol or alcohol-containing products after the installation of mustard plasters.

Banks for the treatment of bronchitis
Before using medical cans as part of the complex therapy of bronchitis and pneumonia, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. The danger of this method lies in the likelihood of rupture of lung tissues located close to skin tissues, which aggravates the patient’s condition.
Banks can be used only after the patient has passed the acute stage of bronchitis and pneumonia – with their help, you can speed up the healing process. Contraindications for use are symptoms such as temperature, signs of intoxication of the body, fever, fever, respiratory failure. Banks can be placed no earlier than two days after the cessation of these symptoms, when the patient’s condition stabilizes.
How to put banks on the back?
The procedure for installing medical jars:
The patient is placed on the stomach. Wipe the back with alcohol for disinfection and petroleum jelly or a nourishing cream so that the skin is not injured when the jar is torn off.
For the procedure, you must have a set of clean and dry medical jars, alcohol, cotton wool, matches, tweezers, petroleum jelly.
Places for installing cans are chosen depending on the location of the site of the inflamed organ, for this, the zones under the shoulder blades, the collarbones, the lower back, the area between the shoulder blade and the spine are suitable. In any case, the cupping site should not have bony prominences, choose an area with good muscle and fat, avoid the heart area to avoid complications.
Cotton wool is held with tweezers, moistened with alcohol and set on fire. Burning cotton wool is introduced into the jar for a few seconds without affecting the walls of the container, after which the jar is placed on the selected area of the skin.
During the first procedure, the jar is kept on the skin for 1-2 minutes, with repeated procedures, which are carried out with a break of at least a day, the duration can be gradually increased to 15 minutes.
To remove the jar, you need to tilt it slightly to the side and press your finger on the skin from the opposite edge so that a little air enters the container. Then the jar comes off the skin more easily without injuring it.
With a properly performed procedure, the patient does not experience severe discomfort and pain; heat and slight tension may be felt at the place where the jar is installed. The color of the skin in these areas becomes reddish or purple, but after a few days the hematomas resolve.
When should you stop using cans and mustard plasters?
These techniques cannot be used in the presence of any of the above contraindications, as well as in case of aggravation of the subjective sensations of the patient – in case of unbearable burning sensation, pain, psychological discomfort.