Mustard: treatment, composition and beneficial properties. Video
Mustard (Latin name brassica juncea) is a herbaceous annual plant. Its seeds, which contain up to 42% of high-quality edible oil, are harvested when the pods are ripe and make mustard powder from them, which is widely used in cooking, official and folk medicine.
Mustard: treatment, composition and beneficial properties
Mustard treatment for colds
In folk medicine, mustard powder is widely used to treat the common cold, colds and bronchopulmonary diseases. Baths with the addition of mustard are very effective for these ailments.
With a runny nose, it is recommended to do foot baths, for which you will need:
- 1 tablespoon mustard powder
- 5-8 liters of water
- baking soda or table salt
This procedure is strictly forbidden to do to people with kidney and cardiovascular disease, as well as with hypertension and varicose veins.
Dissolve mustard powder in hot water in the proportion of a tablespoon of mustard to 5–8 liters of water. For best results, add a tablespoon of coarse salt or baking soda. Stir all ingredients thoroughly. Dip your feet into the prepared hot water and steam well. Wear warm woolen socks at night.
A mustard foot bath is also an excellent cold remedy.
If this procedure is contraindicated, then pour mustard powder into socks and walk like this for a while or go to bed in socks with mustard
After a few hours (from 6 to 8), remove the socks, rinse the mustard off and wipe your feet dry. Then put on clean, warm socks.
For bronchopulmonary diseases, you can make another mustard bath.
It will require:
- 150 grams of mustard powder
- 200 grams of salt
Pour mustard powder and salt into a bucket and cover with hot water. Submerge your legs up to your shins in the water and cover them with a bucket with a warm blanket or blanket. Top up with hot water as it cools. After the bath, rinse your feet with warm water, put on wool socks and go to bed.
Please note that such bathrooms are contraindicated for people with varicose veins.
The use of mustard powder ointments in folk medicine
For the treatment of rheumatism, it is recommended to make a special ointment.
For her you need to take:
- 10 milliliters of 70% alcohol
- 50 grams of mustard powder
- 50 grams of camphor
- 1 raw egg white
Take alcohol, add mustard, camphor and egg yolk to it. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply the prepared ointment to the sore spot without rubbing. Let it sit for half an hour and remove with a wet, clean cloth.
With hypertension, it is recommended to put mustard plasters on the back of the head, calves and heart area
To treat gout, you need the following ingredients:
- 100 grams of mustard
- 100 grams of table salt
- purified kerosene
Mix mustard powder with table salt, add refined kerosene, stirring everything thoroughly. You should get a creamy gruel. Rub it into sore spots.
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